The controls.csv specified the constraints for each attribute in the persons and households data. For example, you can filter the wrong households in the households seed by the expression: (households.households_weight>0)&(households.households_weight<np.inf).
The settings.yaml listed out all of the module and the input for PopulationSim.
[ ] Explore and customise the controls.csv to adapt with data you prepared in #3
[ ] Explore and adapt the settings.yaml to reflect the input and geography or your data set.
Based on the output files of previous steps, I had it running. Attached are the controls.csv and setting.yaml files I used to run it.
PopulationSim file system contains:
specified the constraints for each attribute in the persons and households data. For example, you can filter the wrong households in the households seed by the expression:(households.households_weight>0)&(households.households_weight<np.inf).
listed out all of the module and the input for PopulationSim.Tasks:
to adapt with data you prepared in #3settings.yaml
to reflect the input and geography or your data set.