KyberNetwork / smart-contracts

Main smart contracts for Kyber Network, including the main platform contract, reserve contracts etc.
MIT License
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Removed rateWithoutFees and getPriceDataNoFees, updated rateWithNetworkFee calculation #923

Closed Anyhowclick closed 4 years ago

Anyhowclick commented 4 years ago

Cannot work if maxDestAmount is used though....

manhlx3006 commented 4 years ago

Assume user wanted to trade 100 KNC for 1 ETH. Platform fee: 10%, network fee: 20%.

Min acceptable rate: 0.008

SrcAmount = 100 KNC DestAmountOnlyNetworkFee = 0.8 (1 - 20% * 1) -> Rate only network fee = 0.008 (>= min acceptable rate -> this trade should pass)

SrcAmountWithPlatformFee = 100 (1 - 10%) = 90 Delta dest amount = 0.7 (1 - 10% 1 - 20% * 1) -> Rate only network fee = 0.7 / 90 = 0.0078 (< min acceptable rate -> this trade will be reverted)

In this case, is it ok for the trade to revert due to minConversionRate?

Note: it is impossible to compute exact result without knowing of network fee percentage.

Anyhowclick commented 4 years ago

The trade won't revert, as rateWithNetworkFee is now calculated as the 2nd method. Unless the taker platform manually calculates it like the first method.

It boils down to the expected behaviour we want. From what I understand, the ideal behaviour is that when taker platforms call getExpectedRateWithHintAndFees with the platform fee, there shouldn't be a problem using rateWithNetworkFee as the minimum conversion rate.