Kyle-Pu / Mathematics

Various math formulas coded in Java to help students all across the world!
MIT License
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Code New Programs! #34

Open Kyle-Pu opened 6 years ago

Kyle-Pu commented 6 years ago

Welcome to our Mathematics repository! Please read over the README file and the contributing file to get a feel for how this repo operates.

Every idea for a new program will be hosted at our IDEAS page.

This issue was opened to create visibility for where available coding opportunities are. Ideas will be added to this list as they are added to our page mentioned above. This list will be maintained and updated as the IDEAS page is updated.

Feel free to get started on a program and thanks for your contributions!

surajumang commented 6 years ago

hey @Kyle-P why don't you use checkstyle with your project. It is a great tool to enforce some standard coding practices as followed by Google and Sun Microsystems. checkstyle will make sure that the codebase is consistent and contributors will also follow the best practices. Take a look here

Kyle-Pu commented 6 years ago

Hi @surajumang. Seems like a great tool! Thanks for sharing it with me. Seems perfect for what we're trying to do. However, I can't seem to find it in the GitHub marketplace. Are there any tools there that have similar functions you would recommend? Thank you!

surajumang commented 6 years ago

hey @Kyle-P check out this it lets you implement automated testing in projects. Once you set up travis-ci I will provide a script to check the java files for code adherence using checkstyle.

Kyle-Pu commented 6 years ago

Thanks @surajumang! I've opened up another issue for TravisCI so the discussion stays on topic (this issue is for coding programs). It would be great if you could take a look at it there. Thank you!

roh-it commented 4 years ago Hey, added functions for cot, sine and cosine

POP1912 commented 2 years ago

Please Check the task " Inverse functions calculator (cosecant, secant, cotangent, etc.)". Added a folder "Inverse Functions", modified and moved the "" program into that folder.