Kyle-Pu / Mathematics

Various math formulas coded in Java to help students all across the world!
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Trigonometry Program #50

Closed Kyle-Pu closed 6 years ago

Kyle-Pu commented 6 years ago

The sineh, cosh, tanh, arcsine, arccosine, and arctan functions don't seem to output the correct answers in the trigonometry calculator.

For sineh, cosh, and tanh, the programs seems to be returning values for sin, cos, and tan rather than the sineh, cosh, and tanh function calculations.

For the inverse functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent), remember that the input is not an angle, but rather a number that is the result of calculating sine, cosine, or tangent on an angle. These functions aren't returning the correct output in the program.

Thanks so much for contributing to our repo! It's very appreciated.

Fibii commented 6 years ago

hi @Kyle-P , this is my first project collaboration, i fixed those issues and pushed the updated file, the thing is i don't know whether i'm supposed to remove the old code with the issues or not so i just commented it and gave the reason why, also feel free to change the code especially the "Enter your number" to prompt the user to enter an input, it doesn't feel quite right, thanks.

Kyle-Pu commented 6 years ago

Hi @Charaf-B! Thanks for choosing our project! I'll answer these questions in the pull request you created.

Kyle-Pu commented 6 years ago

Hi @mayokunthefirst! The trig functions program issues have been taken care of. Thanks so much for getting it started!