I finished calibrating my imu equipment and get a good result . but I do not understand the relationship of the output and sensor_msgs/imu 's covariance?
as we know in ros sensor_msgs/Imu need the covariance value of angular velocity , orientation and linear_acceleration.
please help me
@spockman66 @scott198510 @Kyle-ak
Hi pjs9115916,
I am trying to calibrate my imu with this method. I don't know how to add data in to code. can you help me please
Thank you @pjs9115916 @albertopretto @Kyle-ak @
I finished calibrating my imu equipment and get a good result . but I do not understand the relationship of the output and sensor_msgs/imu 's covariance? as we know in ros sensor_msgs/Imu need the covariance value of angular velocity , orientation and linear_acceleration. please help me @spockman66 @scott198510 @Kyle-ak