KylinYee / R2-Talker-code

R2-Talker: Realistic Real-Time Talking Head Synthesis with Hash Grid Landmarks Encoding and Progressive Multilayer Conditioning
MIT License
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bad lip sync #3

Open kike-0304 opened 6 months ago

kike-0304 commented 6 months ago

I used the model files and preprocessed data provided by the author, but the results were very unsatisfactory. The mouth shape was completely inaccurate, and there was a significant gap compared to Genface and Ernrf.

KylinYee commented 6 months ago

Please provide more results or details so that we can locate the problem more quickly.

kike-0304 commented 6 months ago

Please provide more results or details so that we can locate the problem more quickly. run restlt:

kike-0304 commented 6 months ago

Please provide more results or details so that we can locate the problem more quickly. run restlt: method=r2talker # r2talker, genefaceDagger, rad-nerf cond_type=idexp # eo, idexp vid=Obama

python \ --method ${method} \ --cond_type ${cond_type} \ --pose ./pretrained/transformsval.json \ --ckpt ./pretrained/${method}${vid}_${cond_type}_torso.pth \ --aud ./pretrained/test_lm3ds.npy \ --workspace trial_test \ --bg_img ./pretrained/bc.jpg \ -O --torso --data_range 200 300

ffmpeg -y -i trial_test/results/ngp_ep0028.mp4 -i ./pretrained/test.wav -c:v copy -c:a aac trialtest/results/${method}${vid}_${cond_type}_aud.mp4

KylinYee commented 6 months ago

According to the execution command you gave me, there is no problem. I also saw the resulting video you provided. I think lip accuracy is also as expected. The geneface and rad-nerf we reproduced under the same conditions also have similar effects. In addition, if you want to further improve the accuracy of the synthesized lips, you can consider: 1) Comment out the post-processing of lines 135 - 158 in ./nerf/ 2) Or refer to geneface again to retrain postnet.