In preparation for update to Beat Saber 1.33 and beyond, update the code to support Zenject in Beat Saber 1.29.1 so development can continue along both branches.
Minor differences prevent the exact same code from being used. Namely BeatSaberUI.CreateFlowCoordinator and BeatSaberUI.CreateViewController do not have Zenject injection code like in Beat Saber 1.33 so instantiation of UI views must be done the old way. A further update for 1.33 will be made to finally move everything over to Zenject.
In preparation for update to Beat Saber 1.33 and beyond, update the code to support Zenject in Beat Saber 1.29.1 so development can continue along both branches.
Minor differences prevent the exact same code from being used. Namely
do not have Zenject injection code like in Beat Saber 1.33 so instantiation of UI views must be done the old way. A further update for 1.33 will be made to finally move everything over to Zenject.