KyoSherlock / ExpandableLayout

ExpandableLayout for Android
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The library not work after run proguard #6

Closed IHNEL closed 8 years ago

IHNEL commented 8 years ago

Hi, This library stop working if I build my app within proguard. Could you have try please?

KyoSherlock commented 8 years ago

Add the following line in the -keep class com.kyo.expandablelayout.* {;}

KyoSherlock commented 8 years ago

I think it's because I used the ObjectAnimator. mExpandAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(p, "height", 0, measuredHeight); So LayoutParam.setHeight should not be obfuscated.

IHNEL commented 8 years ago

I add this line -keep class com.kyo.expandablelayout.** {*;} into my proguard file and it works like a charm now.

Thank you so much.