Kyon147 / laravel-shopify

A full-featured Laravel package for aiding in Shopify App development
MIT License
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Problem reinstalling, but no error logs #283

Open bilogic opened 3 months ago

bilogic commented 3 months ago

For bug reporting only! If you're posting a feature request or discussion, please ignore.

Expected Behavior

The (re)installation should proceed smoothly

Current Behavior

App was installed on this shop before. It was uninstalled and now trying to re-install again. But the reinstalling keeps failing and returning to the install screen.

Failure Information

There are no error logs in laravel.log

Steps to Reproduce

~Unknown, it has happened more than once and can be quite hard to reproduce~

If users.deleted_at remains as null for whatever reasons when the app is uninstalled, this problem will surface deleted_at only gets a value when Shopify's uninstall webhook succeeds, but webhooks can fail.

  1. Disable all webhooks in the shopify app (to simulate that Shopify has stopped retrying and all webhooks have failed)
  2. Install the app
  3. Uninstall the app (with webhooks disabled, users.deleted_at remains as null)
  4. Reinstall the app - unable to, leads to 404 on shopify backend

Hope this can be addressed.


Please provide any relevant information about your setup. This is important in case the issue is not reproducible except for under certain conditions.

Investigation to find a solution

Triggered javascript breakpoints

  1. /authenticate <= auth/full.blade.php

  2. click INSTALL

  3. /token <= layouts/default.blade.php, before createApp

  4. /token?embedded=1 <= layouts/default.blade.php, before createApp

  5. /token?embedded=1 <= token_handler.blade.php

  6. /billing <= billing/full.blade.php

  7. click APPROVE

  8. /token <= layouts/default.blade.php, before createApp

  9. /token?embedded=1 <= layouts/default.blade.php, before createApp

  10. /token?embedded=1 <= token_handler.blade.php.php

  11. / <= layouts/default.blade.php, before createApp

  12. click UNINSTALL

  13. click INSTALL

  14. /token <= layouts/default.blade.php, before createApp

  15. 404

bilogic commented 3 months ago

I have to delete the user in order to break the install cycle, this package should have a way to detect and automatically break the cycle.

bilogic commented 3 months ago

In the VerifyShopify middleware

if ($tokenSource === null) {
    // Check if there is a store record in the database
    if ($this->checkPreviousInstallation($request)) {
        // Shop exists, token not available, we need to get one
        $a = $this->handleMissingToken($request); // this line causes the install loop
    } else {
        // Shop does not exist
        $a = $this->handleInvalidShop($request);

    return $a;
bilogic commented 3 months ago

It seems that we can also check for 401/403 failures under 2. Failing API requests

I suppose this check should be part of checkPreviousInstallation so that handleInvalidShop gets called if we have been uninstalled but not properly informed.

Kyon147 commented 3 months ago

@bilogic do you have the uninstall job set up

bilogic commented 3 months ago

I do have an uninstall job set up, but I don't think that is the issue.

Webhooks can and do fail. How are we handling that today?

Kyon147 commented 3 months ago

@bilogic the package does not handle failures automatically, you'd have to build this into the jobs you want to use from each webhook.

bilogic commented 3 months ago


It is not about what the webhook does.

What if the network/server goes down for extended periods and the webhook does not reach our server?

Kyon147 commented 3 months ago

If your server goes down then Shopify we try and resend the webhooks a number of times before it stops. It's all in their docs somewhere how often and how many tries they do.

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Yes. And when it stops and all attempts failed, it causes the infinite install loop, effectively permanently preventing this store from ever installing my app again.

I'm not sure why you see this is a non issue or why this package should not be responsible for this problem.

Kyon147 commented 3 months ago

Hi @bilogic

If the webhooks fail and we don't set the deleted at event and this is causing an error for the re-install then we need to refactor that re-install logic and use other fields to determine it potentially.

I'd be happy for you to open a PR if you wanted to submit something that could solve this edge case.

If not, I can take a look when I have some time.

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Ok, thanks, now we are on the same page. I will look into it and attempt a PR.

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Btw, I'm not that familiar with the Shopify API, which was why I relied on this package in the first place.

So offhand, do you have any opinions on how this can be addressed? e.g. which Shopify API should I attempt to try to determine if my app has been uninstalled etc?

Kyon147 commented 3 months ago

If the store uninstalled the app, then you would not be able to use any API anyway.

We'd need to solve this using data we have in the users table at the time of install, that is the only data points we have when we don't have an api key to use.

Plus, we don't want to slow down the install by making requests externally really.

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Ok, noted on not making any external requests.

I did use an interactive debugger to try and understand the install lifecycle of this package, but I wasn't able to make much sense of it. Do you know of any references that is clear in explaining the installation, preferrable in a sequence diagram?

Or if you have an idea on how we can figure things out, I would be more than happy to just write and test the implementation.

Kyon147 commented 3 months ago

There's no documented flow outside of what is already in the wiki which is a high level overview.

For the install, it's mainly in InstallShop

There's likely an error in the restore method on that file which is breaking if deleted_at is null but this is a educated guess as I'd need to go through the flow myself and debug it to be sure.

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Alright, let me check out InstallShop and update if I find anything interesting. Thanks!

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Installation flow

It would appear that this package is performing utilizing 2

Token acquisition

  1. Token exchange (recommended)
  2. Auth code grant

Unable to tell which one this package is using yet

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Updated the OP with a bunch of triggered javascript debugger breakpoints

Kyon147 commented 3 months ago

Just to update, I'm looking into this, this week.

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Wonderful, thank you so much. Please ask if you have trouble reproducing the problem.

bilogic commented 3 months ago

Curious to know if there is progress on this. Thank you.

Kyon147 commented 3 months ago

@bilogic not got to it just yet as I worked on testing the laravel 11 PR - will try and get to it this week

thesunilyadav commented 2 months ago

Hello @Kyon147 @bilogic

I'm encountering a similar issue and seeking an update. Currently, I'm facing two specific problems:

  1. AppUninstalledJob isn't being triggered: Despite expectations, AppUninstalledJob fails to execute as intended.
  2. After_authenticate_job issue: There's a similar hiccup with after_authenticate_job. After users uninstall and then reinstall the app, the job doesn't initiate. This issue has been experienced by approximately 10-15 users in the LIVE application recently.

=> To give you a clearer picture, here's how I've set up AfterAuthenticateJob:

'after_authenticate_job' => [
            'job' => \App\Jobs\AfterAuthenticateJob::class,
            'inline' => true

Additional Information:

Package Version: 19.0.0 Laravel Version: 10.10.0 PHP Version: 8.1.0 Template Engine: Blade

I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide on this matter. Thank you in advance for your help! 🙂

bilogic commented 2 months ago


I faced your same issue too, but that issue isn't really a problem until it causes this problem that we are now trying to address.

I would suggest opening another issue in order for us to stay focused on this: how does this package self rectify an AppUninstalledJob after all retries have exhausted and still failed.

Kyon147 commented 2 months ago

As @bilogic suggest can you open a separate issue, I've never seen the after auth fail for my apps personally but it is possible if the uninstall did not happen cleanly.

Hoping I can get the PR sorted asap.

thesunilyadav commented 2 months ago

Hello @Kyon147 @bilogic, I've created a new issue. Please feel free to take a look when you have a moment #Issue_298

bilogic commented 2 months ago

@Kyon147 just curious if you managed to make any progress? Thank you!

Kyon147 commented 2 months ago

Hey @bilogic

I think I have a working version on my local machine, apologies for the radio silence...partner is about to give birth so juggling things at the mo!

bilogic commented 2 months ago

ah congrats! if you could, perhaps push a branch let me have a peek? ;) but don't let me inconvenience you thanks!

bilogic commented 2 months ago

@Kyon147 possible to let me have a look? Thank you!

bilogic commented 2 months ago

@Kyon147 hope everything is fine, I would like to help by having a test/look at your solution. Thank you!

bilogic commented 1 month ago

@Kyon147 would love to help if you can share whatever you have at the moment. Thanks!

Kyon147 commented 1 month ago

Hey @bilogic not forgotten about you or this ticket, just trying to decide on some bits for this before I submit a PR.

As the issue is based on the webhook, we need an "offline" solve for when a store is trashed but the package is not aware the store has been.

bilogic commented 1 month ago

As the issue is based on the webhook, we need an "offline" solve for when a store is trashed but the package is not aware the store has been.

@Kyon147 thanks, well this set of criteria has gotten me stump.

Perhaps there is something in shopify's redirect that we could pick up on? Otherwise it is almost like being able to read shopify's database while being offline.

I did try earlier this year, but found nothing. What do you have already? Perhaps put it on a branch? Maybe we can build on each other's ideas.

Kyon147 commented 1 month ago

The main issue is that once the app is uninstalled, if we miss the webhook, then that's it.

So my test at the moment is to trying and consistently, re-auth if for some reason we don't have a working api key, but a deleted_at column is still null and assume that we have a "dirty" store install and should treat it as a new install.

bilogic commented 1 month ago

@Kyon147 sounds quite similar to what I had in mind previously.

But I wasn't able to determine if the API key I have is still working. Is this re-auth performed on every interaction with our UI? Or only during the installation request?

bilogic commented 1 month ago

@Kyon147 would be great if I can see and build on what you already have thanks

bilogic commented 1 month ago

@Kyon147 just checking in with you

Kyon147 commented 3 weeks ago

Hey @bilogic

Apologies, new dad life, work and many other projects just sucking up all my time.

I'll try and get a PR out this weekend for you 👍

Thanks for being patient with me