Kyon147 / laravel-shopify

A full-featured Laravel package for aiding in Shopify App development
MIT License
366 stars 107 forks source link

Custom Distribution With charge resulting unknown error #356

Closed Akash4686 closed 2 weeks ago

Akash4686 commented 2 weeks ago

Installed the app in shopify store. Shop/User created successfully on applications send. Following scopes are used write_orders, write_fulfillments, write_customers, write_products, read_third_party_fulfillment_orders, write_third_party_fulfillment_orders, write_assigned_fulfillment_orders, read_assigned_fulfillment_orders, read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders, write_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders

## Current Behavior

When tested on development store Everything works. User created on application end. Shopify rest api started working. Application successfully installed on Shopify store. User redirected to billing on shopify and payment page appears.

Failure Information

When tested on live store Used custom distribution link for installation. app installed successfully on store Shop/User created successfully on Application's end Unknown server error 500 while generating redirect billing url


Upon further debugging error is happening at line 79 of GetPlanUrl in Osiset\ShopifyApp\Actions. Tested other Api's all working. Tested rest api shop/admin successful response by shopify Looks like its only billing url.

Failure Logs

Here is my config


return [ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug Mode
(Not yet complete) A verbose logged output of processes.

'debug' => (bool) env('SHOPIFY_DEBUG', false),

| Manual migrations
| This option allows you to use:
| `php artisan vendor:publish --tag=shopify-migrations` to push migrations
| to your app's folder so you're free to modify before migrating.

'manual_migrations' => (bool) env('SHOPIFY_MANUAL_MIGRATIONS', false),

| Manual routes
| This option allows you to ignore the package's built-in routes.
| Use `false` (default) for allowing the built-in routes. Otherwise, you
| can list out which route "names" you would like excluded.
| See `resources/routes/shopify.php` and `resources/routes/api.php`
| for a list of available route names.
| Example: `home,billing` would ignore both "home" and "billing" routes.
| Please note that if you override the route names
| (see "route_names" below), the route names that are used in this
| option DO NOT change!

'manual_routes' => env('SHOPIFY_MANUAL_ROUTES', false),

| Route names
| This option allows you to override the package's built-in route names.
| This can help you avoid collisions with your existing route names.

'route_names' => [
    'home' => env('SHOPIFY_ROUTE_NAME_HOME', 'home'),
    'authenticate' => env('SHOPIFY_ROUTE_NAME_AUTHENTICATE', 'authenticate'),
    'authenticate.token' => env('SHOPIFY_ROUTE_NAME_AUTHENTICATE_TOKEN', 'authenticate.token'),
    'billing' => env('SHOPIFY_ROUTE_NAME_BILLING', 'billing'),
    'billing.process' => env('SHOPIFY_ROUTE_NAME_BILLING_PROCESS', 'billing.process'),
    'billing.usage_charge' => env('SHOPIFY_ROUTE_NAME_BILLING_USAGE_CHARGE', 'billing.usage_charge'),
    'webhook' => env('SHOPIFY_ROUTE_NAME_WEBHOOK', 'webhook'),

| Shop auth guard
| This option allows you to override auth guard used by package middlewares
'shop_auth_guard' => env('SHOPIFY_SHOP_AUTH_GUARD', 'web'),

| Shop auth provider
| This option allows you to override package's build-in auth model
| If you need to keep User model intact, add custom auth provider and route middlewares for it
'shop_auth_provider' => env('SHOPIFY_SHOP_AUTH_PROVIDER', 'users'),

| App Namespace
| This option allows you to set a namespace for the users in the DB.
| Useful for running multiple apps using the same database instance.
| Meaning, one shop can be part of many apps on the same database.

'namespace' => env('SHOPIFY_APP_NAMESPACE', null),

| Shopify Jobs Namespace
| This option allows you to change out the default job namespace
| which is \App\Jobs. This option is mainly used if any custom
| configuration is done in autoload and does not need to be changed
| unless required.

'job_namespace' => env('SHOPIFY_JOB_NAMESPACE', '\\App\\Jobs\\'),

| Prefix
| This option allows you to set a prefix for URLs.
| Useful for multiple apps using the same database instance.

'prefix' => env('SHOPIFY_APP_PREFIX', ''),

| AppBridge Mode
| AppBridge (embedded apps) are enabled by default. Set to false to use legacy
| mode and host the app inside your own container.

'appbridge_enabled' => (bool) env('SHOPIFY_APPBRIDGE_ENABLED', false),

// Use semver range to link to a major or minor version number.
// Leaving empty will use the latest version - not recommended in production.
'appbridge_version' => env('SHOPIFY_APPBRIDGE_VERSION', 'latest'),

// Set a new CDN URL if you want to host the AppBridge JS yourself or unpkg goes down.
// DO NOT include a trailing slash.
'appbridge_cdn_url' => env('SHOPIFY_APPBRIDGE_CDN_URL', ''),

| Shopify App Name
| This option simply lets you display your app's name.

'app_name' => env('SHOPIFY_APP_NAME', 'Shopify App'),

| Shopify API Version
| This option is for the app's API version string.
| Use "YYYY-MM" or "unstable". Refer to Shopify documentation
| at
| for the current stable version.

'api_version' => env('SHOPIFY_API_VERSION', '2024-04'),

| Shopify API Key
| This option is for the app's API key.

'api_key' => env('SHOPIFY_API_KEY', ''),

| Shopify API Secret
| This option is for the app's API secret.

'api_secret' => env('SHOPIFY_API_SECRET', ''),

| Shopify API Scopes
| This option is for the scopes your application needs in the API.

'api_scopes' => env('SHOPIFY_API_SCOPES', 'write_orders, write_fulfillments, write_customers, write_products, read_third_party_fulfillment_orders, write_third_party_fulfillment_orders, write_assigned_fulfillment_orders, read_assigned_fulfillment_orders, read_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders, write_merchant_managed_fulfillment_orders'),

| Shopify API Grant Mode
| This option is for the grant mode when authenticating.
| Default is "OFFLINE", "PERUSER" is available as well.
| Note: Install will always be in offline mode.

'api_grant_mode' => env('SHOPIFY_API_GRANT_MODE', 'OFFLINE'),

| Shopify API Redirect
| This option is for the redirect after authentication.

'api_redirect' => env('SHOPIFY_API_REDIRECT', '/shopify/authenticate'),

| Shopify API Time Store
| This option is for the class which will hold the timestamps for
| API calls.

'api_time_store' => env('SHOPIFY_API_TIME_STORE', \Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Store\Memory::class),

| Shopify API Limit Store
| This option is for the class which will hold the call limits for REST
| and GraphQL.

'api_limit_store' => env('SHOPIFY_API_LIMIT_STORE', \Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Store\Memory::class),

| Shopify API Deferrer
| This option is for the class which will handle sleep deferrals for
| API calls.

'api_deferrer' => env('SHOPIFY_API_DEFERRER', \Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Deferrers\Sleep::class),

| Shopify API Init Function
| This option is for initializing the BasicShopifyAPI package yourself.
| The first param injected in is the current options.
|    (\Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Options)
| The second param injected in is the session (if available) .
|    (\Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Session)
| The third param injected in is the current request input/query array.
| With all this, you can customize the options, change params, and more.
| Value for this option must be a callable (callable, Closure, etc).

'api_init' => null,

| Shopify "MyShopify" domain
| The internal URL used by shops. This will not change but in the future
| it may.

'myshopify_domain' => env('SHOPIFY_MYSHOPIFY_DOMAIN', ''),

| Enable Billing
| Enable billing component to the package.

'billing_enabled' => (bool) env('SHOPIFY_BILLING_ENABLED', true),

| Enable Freemium Mode
| Allow a shop use the app in "freemium" mode.
| Shop will get a `freemium` flag on their record in the table.

'billing_freemium_enabled' => (bool) env('SHOPIFY_BILLING_FREEMIUM_ENABLED', false),

| Billing Redirect
| Required redirection URL for billing when
| a customer accepts or declines the charge presented.

'billing_redirect' => env('SHOPIFY_BILLING_REDIRECT', '/billing/process'),

| Enable legacy support for features
'app_legacy_supports' => [
    'after_authenticate_job' => true,

| Register listeners to the events

'listen' => [
    \Osiset\ShopifyApp\Messaging\Events\AppInstalledEvent::class => [
    \Osiset\ShopifyApp\Messaging\Events\ShopAuthenticatedEvent::class => [

    \Osiset\ShopifyApp\Messaging\Events\ShopDeletedEvent::class => [
        // \App\Listeners\MyListener::class,
    \Osiset\ShopifyApp\Messaging\Events\AppUninstalledEvent::class => [
        // \App\Listeners\MyListener::class,
    \Osiset\ShopifyApp\Messaging\Events\PlanActivatedEvent::class => [
        // \App\Listeners\MyListener::class,

| Shopify Webhooks
| This option is for defining webhooks.
| `topic` is the GraphQL value of the Shopify webhook event.
| `address` is the endpoint to call.
| Valid values for `topic` can be found here:

'webhooks' => [
        'topic' => 'ORDERS_CREATE',
        'address' => env('SHOPIFY_ORDER_CREATE_WEBHOOK', 'http://localhost:8000/webhook/orders-create')

// [ // 'topic' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_TOPIC', 'ORDERS_CREATE'), // 'address' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_1_ADDRESS', '') // ], [ // 'topic' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_2_TOPIC', 'APP_PURCHASES_ONE_TIME_UPDATE'), // 'address' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_2_ADDRESS', ''), // ], // // In certain situations you may wish to map the webhook to a specific class // // To do this, change the array to an associative array with a 'class' key // 'orders-create' => [ // 'topic' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_ORDER_CREATED', 'ORDERS_CREATE'), // 'address' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_ORDER_CREATED_address', 'http://localhost:8000/shopify-webhook/order-created'), //// 'class' => \App\Shopify\Actions\ExampleAppJob::class // ], ],

| Shopify ScriptTags
| This option is for defining scripttags.

'scripttags' => [
            'src' => env('SHOPIFY_SCRIPTTAG_1_SRC', ''),
            'event' => env('SHOPIFY_SCRIPTTAG_1_EVENT', 'onload'),
            'display_scope' => env('SHOPIFY_SCRIPTTAG_1_DISPLAY_SCOPE', 'online_store')

| After Authenticate Job
| This option is for firing a job after a shop has been authenticated.
| This, like webhooks and scripttag jobs, will fire every time a shop
| authenticates, not just once.

 * @deprecated This will be removed in the next major version.
 * @see
'after_authenticate_job' => [
            'job' => env('AFTER_AUTHENTICATE_JOB'), // example: \App\Jobs\AfterAuthorizeJob::class
            'inline' => env('AFTER_AUTHENTICATE_JOB_INLINE', false) // False = dispatch job for later, true = dispatch immediately

| Job Queues
| This option is for setting a specific job queue for webhooks, scripttags
| and after_authenticate_job.

'job_queues' => [
    'webhooks' => env('WEBHOOKS_JOB_QUEUE', null),
    'scripttags' => env('SCRIPTTAGS_JOB_QUEUE', null),
    'after_authenticate' => env('AFTER_AUTHENTICATE_JOB_QUEUE', null),

| Config API Callback
| This option can be used to modify what returns when `getConfig('api_*')`
| is used. A use-case for this is modifying the return of `api_secret`
| or something similar.
| A closure/callable is required.
| The first argument will be the key string.
| The second argument will be something to help identify the shop.

'config_api_callback' => null,

| Enable Turbolinks or Hotwire Turbo
| If you use Turbolinks/Turbo and Livewire, turn on this setting to get
| the token assigned automatically.

'turbo_enabled' => (bool) env('SHOPIFY_TURBO_ENABLED', false),

| Customize Models and Table Name
| You can customize you model and extend them
| also you can customize tables name for charge and plan models.

'models' => [
    * The fully qualified class name of the Charge model.
    'charge' => Osiset\ShopifyApp\Storage\Models\Charge::class,

    * The fully qualified class name of the Plan model.
    'plan' => Osiset\ShopifyApp\Storage\Models\Plan::class,

'table_names' => [
    * The table name for Charge model.
    'charges' => 'charges',

    * The table name for Plan model.
    'plans' => 'plans',

     * The table name for the Shop.
    'shops' => 'users',

| Checking theme compatibility
| It is necessary to check if your application is compatible with
| the theme app blocks.

'theme_support' => [
     * Specify the name of the template the app will integrate with
    'templates' => ['product', 'collection', 'index'],
     * Interval for caching the request: minutes, seconds, hours, days, etc.
    'cache_interval' => 'hours',
     * Cache duration
    'cache_duration' => 12,
     * At which levels of theme support the use of "theme app extension" is not available
     * and script tags will be installed.
     * Available levels: FULL, PARTIAL, UNSUPPORTED.
    'unacceptable_levels' => [

| Session token refresh
| For AppBridge, how often to refresh the session token for the user.

'session_token_refresh_interval' => env('SESSION_TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL', 2000),

| Frontend engine used
| Available engines: "BLADE", "VUE", or "REACT".
| For example, if you use React, you do not need to be redirected to a separate page to get the JWT token.
| No changes are made for Vue.js and Blade.
'frontend_engine' => env('SHOPIFY_FRONTEND_ENGINE', 'VUE'),

'iframe_ancestors' => '',

]; `

Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 7 45 16 PM

Kyon147 commented 2 weeks ago

@Akash4686 custom apps cannot used the billing api.


See here

Closing this ticket as it is not a package issue.