KyonkoYuuki / YaMovesetOrganizer

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Moveset Stance Breaking #4

Open manymeanmike opened 4 years ago

manymeanmike commented 4 years ago

This issue doesn't happen when you combine like 2 or 3 movesets to make a new one, but I've found everytime I go over said amount by combining all sorts of movesets to make an entirely new one, my character in the selection screen will have a broken idle stance, where she'll do a 'roadhouse' kick repeatedly, it also does this in a pvp loading screen, though it does not do said animation in battles or anything else of the sort, just character selection and loading screens that preview the character, I don't have an example atm as I deleted the movesets I was working on entirely, but I did say when I combine all sorts of movesets, usually my movesets consist of attacks from 6+9 other movesets to make unique combos.