KyoriPowered / adventure

A user-interface library, formerly known as text, for Minecraft: Java Edition
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API for "caching" MiniMessage strings (or other serializer specific data) for ease of sending #1065

Open kezz opened 2 months ago

kezz commented 2 months ago

Related to, there seems to be some desire to remove the common usage of audience.sendMessage(MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("my string")) in favour of a shorthand method for this. The MiniMessageAudience proposed in that PR is nice, but fails to be generic enough to be useful.

I think providing a wrapper for ComponentLike that accepts a serializer and the data to be serialized (open for extensions such as additional MiniMessage tag resolvers or context objects) would be quite nice, allowing for a replacement of the common pattern above:

// Stored centrally somewhere.
public static MiniMessageString myMiniMessageString = MiniMessage.miniMessage().createString("my string", tagResolvers);

// Sent at a later date (optionally adding additional context).