KyryloKuzyk / AR-Foundation-Remote-support

Support page for the 'AR Foundation Remote' plugin on the Asset Store
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ARFoundationRemote works but the ARCameraRotation doesn't update with the current rotation on an iOS build. #113

Closed Michael-Isherwood closed 2 months ago

Michael-Isherwood commented 2 months ago

My game works perfectly on the companion app with the sensor and arcamera transform information being fast and accurate. I have built the game with IOS and tested the initialisation of the ARSession and it is tracking on both remote and in the build yet the Quaternion for the ARSessionOrigin.Camera.LocalRotation in the build is still (0,0,0,1) and doesn't update. I'm wondering if the ARFoundtionRemote has extra features included to handle the ARCamera transform and update it or it is something else. I have tried searching for a way online but no one has mentioned it and I can't find a possible solution maybe you can help me make sure it works in the build also.

KyryloKuzyk commented 2 months ago

Hi! I'm sorry for the late reply. Did you manage to solve the issue?

Yes, the plugin has a special treatment for the camera pose that differs from how it works in real builds, but only for old versions of AR Foundation or Unity. But in this setup the remote plugin works exactly the same as on actual devices: Unity >= 2020.1, ARF >= 4.0, ARF Remote 1.4.23.

Can you please tell me your setup?

KyryloKuzyk commented 2 months ago

If you're using ARF 5 or newer, please check that you have this component added and enabled on your camera (please pay attention to the namespace): UnityEngine.InputSystem.XR.TrackedPoseDriver.

KyryloKuzyk commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I just noticed your email and it seems like the issue is fixed now for you. Quote:

Found the issue so don’t worry. The problem was I think that I created empty game objects and gave them the scripts like ARSession and ARSessionOrigin however when I used XR ARSession and then same for the others in the set up the ARSession had the ARSession Input Manager which I think was causing the issue in the full build even though the companion app worked. Thanks