Closed coding-brownie closed 2 years ago
Huge thanks for the detailed bug report!
I believe I've fixed the issue. Please send me your Invoice Number in an email ( and I'll send you a pre-release version with a fix. I'll post a detailed report about the bug a bit later when I confirm the fix works on all platforms.
The fix is available in version 1.4.23-release.1/2.0.23-release.1. Please tell me if it works for you. You can read a detailed report about this bug here.
Hey, thanks a lot for the quick fix! It works again on my end.
System Setup: Win 10 Unity 2020.3.34f1 ARFoundationRemote 2.0.23-release0 ARFoundation 4.1.10 ARKit XR Plugin 4.1.10 Apple iPad Pro, 2.Gen, 11inch, iOS15.5
Bug: The Unity editor crashes almost immediately after entering playmode, in case that ARMeshManager is active. The error is reproducible with the example scene ARKit MeshClassificationExample provided by the plugin. Most likely the crash happens at the first AR mesh that is found. The same crash does not occur on my MacOS machine.
ARFoundationRemote Settings: Settings.txt
Package.json manifest.txt
Editor.log: Got a SIGILL while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application.
========== OUTPUTTING STACK TRACE ==================
0x00007FFCAD5F29AF (libARFRemote) SetUnscaledTime 0x00007FF7E75915A6 (Unity) XRMeshingSubsystem::AcquireMeshRouter 0x00007FF7E7592DAA (Unity) xr::ProcessMeshJob 0x00007FF7E6D72EBB (Unity) JobQueue::Exec 0x00007FF7E6D74B12 (Unity) JobQueue::Steal
0x00007FF7E6D73260 (Unity) JobQueue::ExecuteJobFromQueue 0x00007FF7E6D736CB (Unity) JobQueue::ProcessJobs 0x00007FF7E6D754FF (Unity) JobQueue::WorkLoop 0x00007FF7E6F41E96 (Unity) Thread::RunThreadWrapper 0x00007FFD043C7034 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk 0x00007FFD04E82651 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart
========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========