Kyslik / column-sortable

Package for handling column sorting in Laravel 5/6/7/8
MIT License
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Appendable attributes #78

Closed Jarvvski closed 6 years ago

Jarvvski commented 6 years ago

What's the best way to deal with appendable attributes in models? So essentially, computed properties that aren't stored natively in the database.

I'm guesing there isn't an easy work around for this

Kyslik commented 6 years ago

When you use $model->sortable()... you are using a local scope. So if you find out how to do it with your grown scope let me know.

Could you also post an example / link so I know whats append-able attribute about?

Jarvvski commented 6 years ago


So Let's assume I have a character model which has a starting_xp value. This character can have multiple record entries, which each have an xp value.

To calculate the character experience, we do a sum of all their record experience values, and add that to the character default experience.

It's never stored in a database, because it's always dynamic.

Here's the code snippet I am using in my own project (related to the above) trimed down to the relevant parts:

class character extends Model {

    protected $appends = [

    public function records()
        // using means a pivot table on character_id - record_id
        return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\ExperienceRecord')

    public function getExperienceAttribute()
        // set a starting counter
        $experience = 0;

        // loop through records and add to counter
        foreach ($this->records as $record) {
            $experience = $experience + $record->ammount;

        // return counter + starting_exp property (in db)
        return $experience + $this->starting_experience;

Hopefully that's not too long for you, and makes sense!

Jarvvski commented 6 years ago

Thank you though otherwise, for a really good package. For stored values, it works perfectly

Kyslik commented 6 years ago

Oh yea it makes sense, so you are using accessor to calculate the experience.

I think you may invest some time in taking a look at overriding sortable, so you write your own logic of sorting and $direction is provided for you.

So I imagine you can do some raw sql magic + use "aliasing".

Jarvvski commented 6 years ago

Ok then, thanks @Kyslik.

I'll check those out, and see what turns up.

If I create a solution, I'll post it back here for others to use later

Kyslik commented 6 years ago

@Jarvvski any success? :crossed_fingers:

Jarvvski commented 6 years ago

No, not yet sadly @Kyslik

I'm currently in the states, so I don't have much time to work on it. Need to iron out a search implimentation first