Kzeezee / Ensemble

Ensemble is a web application that aims to deliver the most immersive and interactive virtual convention experience possible. Ensemble is an application project submission for the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2022 in the 'Lifestyle' category.
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Implement Auth in Backend #11

Open Kzeezee opened 2 years ago

Kzeezee commented 2 years ago

As concluded, we will be implementing our own authentication system into our application using Spring Boot Security and JWT Tokens.

We require a couple of things in order:

  1. Spring Boot security backend configuration
  2. Register and login and user in database
  3. Angular state management for authentication
Kzeezee commented 2 years ago

I have implemented the following:

  1. Spring Security integration into the project with the relevant authentication and authorization settings and security configurations.
  2. Registration and login pages with their respective validation and submission. (empty, unique, duplicate etc.)
  3. Interceptor service in Angular for appending auth token in subsequent HTTP request headers.
  4. Auth service to check if user is logged in in Angular frontend