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Struct arrays are not recognized as function parameters #29

Open helloktity opened 1 year ago

helloktity commented 1 year ago

Current environment mql4

  1. The structure array cannot be recognized as a function parameter. (But it can be recognized normally in MetaEditor.)


2、Struct arrays are not recognized if & is used, but compile normally.


L-I-V commented 1 year ago

Hi, helloktity, the problem is related to the 'C/C++' extension, as the main part of the IntelliSense function used for working with MQL files is based on this extension. The 'C/C++' extension is not fully compatible with the MQL syntax, leading to errors. In the case of "void vegassss(VegasTrend &array[])," the 'C/C++' extension produces the error "array of reference is not allowed" causing arrays to not be recognized and type errors to occur. Unfortunately, at present, I do not have a solution to this problem.

helloktity commented 1 year ago

Thank you, this is still a great tool that can double the efficiency of writing mql4, thanks again! ! !

helloktity commented 1 year ago

I found a compromise method, which is to replace & with * when writing, so that the members of the structure can be identified, and then changed back to & when compiling
