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Compiling without optimization? #32

Open mishaxz opened 1 year ago

mishaxz commented 1 year ago

Hi, would you have any idea how to compile without optimizations? my EA compiles in 10 seconds from the MetaEditor 5 with optimizations and 1 second without.

Is there a command line switch? it seems there used to be when it was a separate compiler.. but now I cant' find one for metaeditor64.exe

Also, what is this compile script button for ? does that help to compile without optimizations? I skimmed the article about the "hack" but don't quite understand it, all the source files must be in the metatrader folder for that way to work? right now I compile from VS Code based on my own custom include path, which is not in any metaquotes subfolder.

L-I-V commented 1 year ago

As far as I know metaeditor does not support compilation without optimization through the command line. As for the button 'Compilation of mq4/mq5 files using script.', you can use it to compile without optimization. To do this, set the 'no optimization' mode in MetaEditor on the 'Compile' button. Then disable the 'Mql_tools.Script: Close ME' parameter in the 'MQL Tools' extension settings to reduce the compilation time.


This way the compilation time of your expert should decrease.