L-Spiro / BeesNES

A sub–cycle-accurate Nintendo Entertainment System emulator.
MIT License
42 stars 3 forks source link

BeesNES Platform Android #3

Open TheBoxGame opened 1 month ago

TheBoxGame commented 1 month ago


L-Spiro commented 4 weeks ago

Well, I don’t personally do Android development, and have no devices for testing etc. But no doubt someone will make one!

TheBoxGame commented 3 weeks ago

@L-Spiro because it's for IOS and why not for Android

L-Spiro commented 3 weeks ago

I don’t have Android devices for testing, all GPU development on Android is a pain, and all C++ development on Android is a pain. The GPU part might not be horrible, since I am already using Vulkan and the requirements don’t have to be too huge, but the rest is problematic. Plus having to create a UI library for Android, since I am not going to use Qt.

I am sure someone will port it to Android someday.