L-Spiro / BeesNES

A sub–cycle-accurate Nintendo Entertainment System emulator.
MIT License
42 stars 3 forks source link

Question #5

Closed TheBoxGame closed 1 week ago

TheBoxGame commented 1 week ago

Can anyone tell me what the color palette for the NES emulator could be?

L-Spiro commented 1 week ago

I can’t view the image, but if you are asking about the colors in BeesNES, you can load any color palette you want, or use one of 3 filters/shaders (Blargg, Emmir CRT, or L. Spiro Filter). The default palette is custom using Persune’s palgen.

TheBoxGame commented 1 week ago

215370725-3092a546-b8f7-488b-ae4e-8d7c7f108cad I'm looking for this color palette for the emulator to load

L-Spiro commented 1 week ago

That’s the CRT filter, so the colors come from math done on a composite signal.

TheBoxGame commented 1 week ago

so such colors cannot be achieved on a normal emulator, right?

L-Spiro commented 1 week ago

That’s correct. This is a very detailed and complicated shader, and the version used in BeesNES is customized with a few minor improvements. I’m working on another project for the moment but I will get back to BeesNES soon and I want to get a beta release going.