Closed kid-pro-kuo closed 3 years ago
Thanks for reporting this!
Three things: 1) just to confirm, it's crashing during the "gathering files for ..." step, yeah? 2) could you provide a list of your currently installed tweaks? 3) could you provide a crash log?
I'm experiencing the same issue on an iPhone 12 mini running iOS 14.1 using unc0ver. After the first step it fails. It just crashes without Cr4shed catching it.
I have a test build ready. If either of you would like to give it a go, please shoot me an email
Thanks for reporting this!
Three things: 1) just to confirm, it's crashing during the "gathering files for ..." step, yeah? 2) could you provide a list of your currently installed tweaks? 3) could you provide a crash log?
1) yeah, it's the "Gathering files for user packages" step. It'll be running for a few minutes before crashing
2) here you go:
applist awzedesign.zenira co.dynastic.ios.lib.flora com.amywhile.signalreborn com.cachetes.oxyg3n com.chr1s.atlas com.cokepokes.appstoreplusplus com.cokepokes.libnotifications com.creaturecoding.libcspreferences com.creaturesurvive.libcscolorpicker com.cydiageek.skinnysettings com.daveapps.quitall com.dozenzb.nzbunity com.fenix.spaceui com.foxfort.darkgmaps com.foxfort.foxforttools com.foxfort.libfoxfortsplash com.foxfort.libfoxfortutils com.foxfort.lumi com.ginsu.dodo com.icraze.hestia com.initwithframe.velvet com.kurrt.safeshutdown com.lacertosusrepo.libdeusprefs com.lacertosusrepo.libellum com.lacertosusrepo.tweakcount com.laughingquoll.prefixui com.laughingquoll.prysm com.matchstic.xenhtml com.maxpatchs.moxy com.megadev.sentinel com.muirey03.cr4shed com.muirey03.libmryipc com.opa334.ccsupport com.opa334.libundirect com.opa334.safariplus com.paraskcd.influentialhs com.peterdev.libpddokdo com.rileytestut.altdaemon com.rpgfarm.a-bypass com.rpgfarm.a-font com.rpgfarm.libaptoast com.shepgoba.settingswidgets com.spark.libsparkapplist com.spark.libsparkcolourpicker com.spark.snowboard com.synnyg.backupaz4 com.tigisoftware.filza com.titand3v.libtitand3vuniversal com.titand3v.speedy com.twickd.ethan-whited.catalina com.twickd.quix.noclutter com.twickd.ziadali.dotty com.vlo.lux com.whyms.thine dev.ayden.ios.lib.sys.aurora dev.ayden.ios.tweak.starfish-lite me.ahmedbafkir.dleasy me.alfhaily.cercube me.alfhaily.rocket me.apptapp.installer me.lightmann.iamlazy net.limneos.libbulletin net.pane.l.evilscheme ws.hbang.alderis ws.hbang.common xyz.royalapps.prokeys
3) what's funny is that Cr4shed doesn't have a record of the process failing. Is there another place I should be looking for a crash log?
Thanks! Nope, if it didn't show up then Cr4shed didn't catch it. No worries.
Someone else managed to grab one and it's a memory usage issue. I've pinned down the culprit code block and am working on a fix. I have one ready now, if you'd like to try it.
@UsrLightmann I'd be happy to g CBD FYIy and test. This is actually the first time I've filed a bug or interacted with another person on a public repo. I wasn't sure how to find your email address...
No worries!
If you click on one of my packages in your package manager and then click on my name it should open up an email (at least, that's the case with Cydia).
To save you the click, it's
Just sent v1.1.1 out for publishing (should be live sometime in the next 12 hours).
It aims to fix the root cause of the crashing. Once it's available, please let me know if it resolves the issue.
And thanks again for your help testing and bringing this to my attention!
The updated version no longer crashes, but takes considerably longer to complete. Normally a standard backup would take about 500sec and results in a ~760MB archive. Now it takes over 2400sec and results in a ~4.6GB archive.
@booleangit I've had a few people mention the drastic increase in backup time...will look into that.
With regard to the size, I hadn't noticed a huge difference in my testing. Will take another look.
@booleangit I have a test build ready. Would you mind shooting me an email? Thanks in advance!
Fixed crashing in v1.1.1 and fixed large, lengthy backups in v1.1.2.
Prefacing with the fact that I love this tweak because I am indeed lazy.
With the recent upgrade to 1.1.0, making a new backup will cause the tweak to crash during the second step of pulling in all the user packages, i.e. Settings app crashes. My only other piece of evidence is that no new backup file seems to be created in the save directory.
Happy to dig further if needed. I’m on iPhone 12 Pro Max / iOS 14.1 / Taurine+Sileo