L3MON4D3 / LuaSnip

Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua.
Apache License 2.0
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Luasnip get fileame #1245

Closed Felipe-9 closed 1 month ago

Felipe-9 commented 1 month ago

I have a snippet that is a template for latex and i would like to put in a field the current buffer filename, i tried using vim.fn.expand("%") but it instead outputs the entire filepath,


local ls = require("luasnip")

-- local s = ls.snippet      -- build snippets
local ms = ls.multi_snippet -- build snippets with multiple triggers
local t = ls.text_node -- insert text
local i = ls.insert_node -- user input
-- local r = ls.restore_node -- restore from variable

local extras = require("luasnip.extras")
local rep = extras.rep -- repeat for multiple cursors
local ne = extras.nonempty
local fmt = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmta -- formatting with [[]] and delimiters=<>

return {
  ms( -- Subfile Template
      common = {
        name = "Subfile Template",
        desc = ""
        % !TEX root = ./<subfile>.tex

        % \tikzset{external/force remake=true} % - remake all


        % \graphicspath{{\subfix{./.build/figures/<subfile_r>}}}
        % \tikzsetexternalprefix{./.build/figures/<subfile_r>/graphics/}

        {<title_sub>} % Subfile Title
        {<title_main>} % Part Title


        -- subfile = i(1, "subfile.tex"),
        subfile = t(vim.fn.expand("%")),
        subfile_r = rep(1),
        mainfile = i(2, "mainfile.tex"),
        part_counter = i(3, "part counter"),
        group = i(4, "group"),
        di_g = ne(4, "["),
        do_g = ne(4, "]"),
        title_sub = i(5, "subfile title"),
        title_main = i(6, "mainfile title"),
        body = i(0, "body"),
bew commented 1 month ago

Try vim.fn.expand("%:t") See :h expand()

Felipe-9 commented 1 month ago

it worked thanks, i had read it but didnt understood what they meant