L4ki / Colorful-Plasma-Themes

Colorful Themes For Plasma Desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Icon requests #4

Open qaznotquaz opened 6 months ago

qaznotquaz commented 6 months ago

As #2, I really enjoy the style on display here and would like to see some particular icons added.

icon application comment
ProtonVPN flagship application for Proton. fwiw, it's already not far off this theming.
etc. Proton Drive, Bridge, Mail, Calendar most aren't actually linux apps yet, awkwardly
JetBrains Toolbox hub application for JetBrains' IDEs. sits on the toolbar.
etc. JetBrains' IDEs there's quite a number but they're all fairly similar, icon-wise. not listed here for brevity[^1].
Zettlr an alternative to obisidian, though not as widespread.
Wireshark gold standard network traffic reader

[^1]: and humility with this initial request.

L4ki commented 6 months ago

Hi qaznotquaz,

Thank You for Your support.

On Saturday 20th January, a regular update was predicted. Then I'll add all these icons.
