L4ki / Pax-Plasma-Themes

Pax Themes For Plasma Desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

How to install? #1

Open Xapu1337 opened 2 years ago

Xapu1337 commented 2 years ago

Hey! I just found this theme on the pling store and was wondering how to install it? Since the download itself contains not only themes but also decorations or splash screens and I don't really know where to move them in.

So an installation guide would be awesome :smile:

L4ki commented 2 years ago

Hi Xapu1337,

It is best to install the Global Theme "Pax-Global".

Open System Settings > Appearance > Global Theme > Get New Global Themes ...> Search > type Pax Global > Install

In this way you will install automatically: Global Theme, Plasma Theme, Colorschemes, Aurorae Themes, SDDM Loginn Theme, Splashscreen, Icons Theme, Wallpaper.

Separately GTK theme: System Settings > Appearance > Application Style > down right: Configure Gnome / GTK Application Style / GTK Application Styles ...> Search > type Pax-GTK > Install

You also install Console Colorscheme: Open Console / Terminal > right click > Edit Current Profile ...> Appearance > Get New ...> type Pax-Console > install

Best regards,