L4ki / Pax-Plasma-Themes

Pax Themes For Plasma Desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
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GTK-4 issues #2

Open tdtooke opened 1 year ago

tdtooke commented 1 year ago

The window control buttons, the x to close, the maximize button, etc.. behave strangely. If I hover over the 'x' close button it disappears after I see this strange whirly artifact. I've used Gnome so I know to copy the gtk-4 theme over into ~/.config/GTK-4 and I have the assets folder in ~/.config like I do for a lot of themes on gnome. It's not a super big deal but I do have a few gtk-4 apps like Amberol that I like to use.

L4ki commented 1 year ago

Hi tdtooke,

To be honest, I haven't tested it on Gnome.

In the product description it is written:

Modified Original Breeze GTK Theme, adapted for Dark Plasma Theme Pax-Plasma.

The theme was tested on KDE Plasma 5.23, for GTK applications in Plasma.


tdtooke commented 1 year ago

I'm not on Gnome, I'm on Plasma. GTK-4 is a different animal, especially now with lib adwaita. I do also have Gnome installed but I'm using Plasma at the moment. Setting a GTK-4 theme is not like GTK-3 or 2. It's possible your gtk-4 theme would work properly for someone that doesn't also have Gnome installed and have the newer lib adwaita stuff.

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm talking about GTK-4 and only that. The overwhelming majority of gtk apps someone might use like gpodder or bleachbit are all gtk-3. That part is fine. Only gtk-4 has these issues. Unless you tested it on Gnome you probably never saw a gtk-4 app, there really aren't many of them that aren't something included with Gnome.

'nother edit: Nevermind, when I get home I think I'll just take the Orchis gtk theme and mod it a little to be consistent with your theme. Shapewise that one might be a better fit instead of breeze to match the plasma theme.

tdtooke commented 1 year ago

I found something you may or may not be interested in. Basically pretty much all gtk4 apps are libadwaita apps now, but fortunately somebody has already done a version of breeze dark in gtk4 which works with libadwaita. You can find it here: https://github.com/MrCompoopter/Libadwaita-Breeze-Dark If you hack that one instead of the regular breeze dark for gtk4 it'll work. I ran Amberol with it (it's a libadwaita gtk4 app) and it works perfectly.