LA1TV / Roses-CasparCG-Graphics

Location of CG assets for use during the Roses event
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Waterpolo: Added a shot clock. #99

Open benjaminkay93 opened 6 years ago

benjaminkay93 commented 6 years ago

Added a shot clock to the water polo :)

screen shot 2018-04-13 at 00 11 49 screen shot 2018-04-13 at 00 15 58 screen shot 2018-04-13 at 00 13 25
peskdale commented 6 years ago

Nice to have for completeness - though iirc it was bad enough trying to keep the game clock in sync with the poolside scoreboard.

I imagine shot clock will be nightmare unless you have multiple graphics ops to keep track.

DomBelcher commented 6 years ago

I agree with @peskdale, I think it would be very hard for a graphics op to do this accurately, and if it's not accurate then it will make it more confusing for the viewer, and would be better if it just wasn't there

Definitely would be nice to have properly working, but in practice may not be feasible

Maybe it could be reset by a key press or similar - that way the op can focus on the game and just press the reset key whenever needed?

benjaminkay93 commented 6 years ago

Good shout I’ll add a key binding, it’s a nice to have and an option, if we could get a waterpolo person there it would make it easier

benjaminkay93 commented 6 years ago

Adding in space and enter as they are big buttons, happy to change at any point though :)

benjaminkay93 commented 6 years ago

also i need to work out the logic if the shot clock stops, should the game clock stop or should they both be independent. gonna ask my waterpolo expert tomorrow for the dl

michaeldclifford commented 6 years ago

As the "water polo expert" 🤽 who has consulted others who both play and referee matches, we have concluded that there aren't any weird or wonderful eventualities where the game clock and shot clock will ever be out of sync. Therefore binding a single key press such as space to play/pause both timers is perfectly acceptable and probably encouraged.

I'm unsure as to how feasible it would be for an operator to sit next to the Officials' Table, but the closer you can be to the officials, the better. It may be that if there are enough of them (3), they may assign one person to manage the game clock and one person to reset the shot clock which would allow each of those people to also press one of your buttons as well, ensuring the clocks are always in sync.

benjaminkay93 commented 6 years ago

thank you @michaeldclifford :) I have added the functionality for the spacebar to trigger the pause/play functionality on both clocks now.

benjaminkay93 commented 6 years ago

@stephenrob can you approve this so I can merge it in and box off 2018?