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Add feature for user to subscribe and receive emails when new content becomes available #98

Closed tjenkinson closed 9 years ago

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

User should be able to choose what they want the default to be for new playlists.

They should be able to click to subscribe to everything and when this is turned on, they should automatically get subscribed to everything on the site. They can then unsubscribe from individual playlists if they want in the same way that people can subscribe to individual playlists.

This needs completing first as it needs the facebook email permission to get the users email address.

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

Users should receive an email 15 minutes before a live show goes live (but only once per hour for a particular show. ie if it keeps getting rescheduled).

Users should receive an email when a video goes live. This includes recordings of live streams.

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

If a user isn't logged in subscribe buttons should still be visible and prompt the user to login on click.

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

The first time a user has logged in with facebook they should be taken to the account page and asked if they want to subscribe to everything.

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

If for some reason the facebook email permission is missing, the user should still be able to subscribe/unsubscribe. The warning bar would be shown at the top of the page saying that facebook permissions were needed.

If a new email should be sent then this should just be dropped, not queued, if the email permission is missing.

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

instead of emails send facebook notifications instead

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

Use queues with laravel and

beanstalkd has an upstart job in the repo

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

started work on new branch

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

using instead as I think is more suited to a cron job task

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

not going to work at the moment as facebook only currently supports notifications for canvas apps which are apps embedded on facebook

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

Finished scheduled task so that now emails are automatically sent 15 minutes before a live stream is scheduled to start.

Still need to implement emails when an item actually goes live, whether it's vod or live stream.

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

Users now get an email when a show goes live.

All that is left now is the email when vod becomes available to watch. This should be another command and cron job.

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago

VOD available email now done

Just need to add option now in media item part of cms to disable emails for particular items. E.g. if uploading old content might not want to send emails.

tjenkinson commented 9 years ago