LAAC-LSCP / ChildRecordsR

R package for the evaluation of annotations of daylong recordings
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add pyannote evaluations #6

Closed alecristia closed 3 years ago

alecristia commented 3 years ago

consider using reticulate

Marvin wrote (in shared dropbox/valois_reliability/scripts/, code below); which is called with code as follows from bash: python scripts/ -ref $gold_data/ \ -hyp $system_data/ -t identification \ -m ider

NOTE: -ref is the referent, -hyp is the hypothesis/system, -t is the type of task (identification forces labels to be identical across ref and hyp), -m is the list of metrics we want, and we want ider (identification error rate).


from pyannote.core import Segment, Timeline, Annotation
from pyannote.metrics.errors.identification import IdentificationErrorAnalysis
import pyannote.metrics.diarization as diarization
import pyannote.metrics.identification as identification
import pyannote.metrics.detection as detection
import pyannote.core.notebook as notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os, glob, errno
import argparse
import numpy as np
import warnings
import re
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, module='pyannote')
# Here, we want to filter the following warning :
# UserWarning: 'uem' was approximated by the union of 'reference' and 'hypothesis' extents.
# "'uem' was approximated by the union of 'reference'"

def get_best_start(beginnings, durations, tot_duration):
    STEP_SIZE = 10
    beginnings = np.array(beginnings)
    lst = list(range(0, int(tot_duration), STEP_SIZE))
    best_sum_speech = 0.0
    best_start = 0
    for i in range(0, len(lst)):
        if i+7 > len(lst):
        beg, end = lst[i], lst[i+6]
        condition = (beginnings > beg) & (beginnings < end)
        sum_speech = np.sum(np.extract(condition, durations))
        if sum_speech > best_sum_speech:
            best_start = beg
            best_sum_speech = sum_speech
    return best_start

def find_1mn_highest_volubility(annotation):
    support = list(annotation.get_timeline().support().__iter__())
    if len(support) > 0:
        tot_duration = support[-1].end
        if tot_duration <= 60.0:
            return 0.0, 60.0
            durations = [seg.duration for seg in support]
            beginnings = [seg.start for seg in support]
            best_start = get_best_start(beginnings, durations, tot_duration)
            return best_start, best_start + 60

def rttm_to_annotation(input_rttm, collapse_to_speech=False, class_to_keep=None):
        Given a path to a rttm file, create the corresponding Annotation objects
        containing the triplets (t_beg, t_end, activity)

        A path to a rttm file that must exist.

        An Annotation object.
    anno = Annotation(uri=input_rttm)
    if os.path.isfile(input_rttm):
        with open(input_rttm) as fn:
            for line in fn:
                row = line.split('\t')
                t_beg, t_dur, spkr = float(row[3]), float(row[4]), row[7]
                if row[7] == "":
                    raise ValueError("Speaker role is empty in %s" % os.path.basename(input_rttm))
                if class_to_keep is not None and spkr == class_to_keep:
                    # Keep only class of interest
                    anno[Segment(t_beg, t_beg + t_dur)] = spkr
                elif class_to_keep is None:
                    # Keep all classes
                    anno[Segment(t_beg, t_beg + t_dur)] = spkr
    return anno

def run_metrics(references_f, hypothesis_f, metrics, visualization=False, class_to_keep=None):
    if len(references_f) != len(hypothesis_f):
        raise ValueError("The number of reference files and hypothesis files must match ! (%d != %d)"
                         % (len(references_f), len(hypothesis_f)))
    if visualization:
        visualization_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(hypothesis_f[0]), "visualization")
        if not os.path.exists(visualization_dir):
    for ref_f, hyp_f in zip(references_f, hypothesis_f):
        ref, hyp = rttm_to_annotation(ref_f, class_to_keep=class_to_keep), rttm_to_annotation(hyp_f, class_to_keep=class_to_keep)
        basename = os.path.basename(ref_f)
        # Set the uri as the basename for both reference and hypothesis
        ref.uri, hyp.uri = basename, basename
        # Let's accumulate the score for each metrics
        # Let's accumulate the score for each metrics

        for m in metrics.values():
            res = m(ref, hyp)

        # Let's generate a visualization of the results
        if visualization:
            moment = find_1mn_highest_volubility(ref)
            if moment is not None:
                # Set figure size, and crop the annotation
                # for the highest volubile moment
                start, end = moment[0], moment[1]
                notebook.width = end / 4
                plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (notebook.width, 10)
                notebook.crop = Segment(start, end)

                # Plot reference
                notebook.plot_annotation(ref, legend=True, time=False)
                plt.gca().set_title('reference '+ os.path.basename(ref_f).replace('.rttm', ''), fontdict={'fontsize':18})

                # Plot hypothesis
                notebook.plot_annotation(hyp, legend=True, time=True)
                plt.gca().set_title('hypothesis '+os.path.basename(hyp_f).replace('.rttm', ''), fontdict={'fontsize':18})

                plt.savefig(os.path.join(visualization_dir, os.path.basename(hyp_f).replace('.rttm', '.png')))
    return metrics

def get_couple_files(ref_path, hyp_path=None, prefix=None):
    # If hyp_path is None, then the hyp files are stored where the ref files are
    if prefix != "":
        prefix = prefix + "_"

    if hyp_path is None:
        hyp_files = glob.glob(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ref_path, prefix+'*.rttm')))
        ref_files = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(f), os.path.basename(f).replace(prefix, '')) for f in hyp_files]
        # Hyp files are stored in a different place, we check if a folder has been provided or if it just a single file
        if os.path.isdir(hyp_path):
            hyp_files = glob.glob(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(hyp_path, prefix+'*.rttm')))
            ref_files = [f.replace(prefix, '').replace(hyp_path, ref_path) for f in hyp_files]
        elif os.path.isfile(hyp_path):
            hyp_files = [hyp_path]
            raise ValueError("%s doesn't exist" % hyp_path)

    if len(ref_files) == 0 or len(hyp_files) == 0:
        raise FileNotFoundError("No reference, or no hypothesis found were found.")
    return sorted(ref_files), sorted(hyp_files)

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Scripts that computes metrics between reference and hypothesis files."
                                                 "Inputs can be both path to folders or single file.")
    parser.add_argument('-ref', '--reference', type=str, required=True,
                        help="Path of the reference.")
    parser.add_argument('-hyp', '--hypothesis', type=str, required=False, default=None,
                        help="Path of the hypothesis"
                             "If None, consider that the hypothesis is stored where the reference is.")
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', required=False, default="", choices=["lena", "noisemesSad", "opensmileSad",
                                                                    "tocomboSad", "yunitator_old", "yunitator_english",
                                                                    "yunitator_universal", "diartk_noisemesSad",
                                                                    "diartk_goldSad", "yuniseg_noisemesSad",
                                                                    "yuniseg_opensmileSad", "yuniseg_tocomboSad",
                        help="Prefix that filenames of the hypothesis must match.")
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--task', type=str, required=True, choices=["detection", "diarization", "identification"])
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--metrics', required=True, nargs='+', type=str, choices=["diaer", "coverage",
                                                                                        "completeness", "homogeneity",
                                                                                        "purity", "accuracy",
                                                                                        "precision", "recall", "deter",
                        help="Metrics that need to be run.")
    parser.add_argument('--visualization', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--identification', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--class_to_keep', default=None, choices=['OCH', 'CHI', 'ELE', 'FEM', 'MAL', 'OVL', 'SIL'],
                        help="If not None, will only keep labels corresponding to the specified class.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    class_to_keep = args.class_to_keep
    if args.identification:
        args.task = "identification"

    # Let's create the metrics
    metrics = {}
    for m in args.metrics:
        if m == "accuracy":                                                     # All the 3 tasks can be evaluated as a detection task
            metrics[m] = detection.DetectionAccuracy(parallel=True)
        elif m == "precision":
            metrics[m] = detection.DetectionPrecision(parallel=True)
        elif m == "recall":
            metrics[m] = detection.DetectionRecall(parallel=True)
        elif m == "deter":
            metrics[m] = detection.DetectionErrorRate(parallel=True)
        elif args.task == "diarization" or args.task == "identification":        # The diarization and the identification task can be both evaluated as a diarization task
            if m == "diaer":
                metrics[m] = diarization.DiarizationErrorRate(parallel=True)
            elif m == "coverage":
                metrics[m] = diarization.DiarizationCoverage(parallel=True)
            elif m == "completeness":
                metrics[m] = diarization.DiarizationCompleteness(parallel=True)
            elif m == "homogeneity":
                metrics[m] = diarization.DiarizationHomogeneity(parallel=True)
            elif m == "purity":
                metrics[m] = diarization.DiarizationPurity(parallel=True)
            elif args.task == "identification":                                 # Only the identification task can be evaluated as an identification task
                if m == "ider":
                    metrics[m] = identification.IdentificationErrorRate(parallel=True)
                elif m == "precision":
                    metrics[m] = identification.IdentificationPrecision(parallel=True)
                elif m == "recall":
                    metrics[m] = identification.IdentificationRecall(parallel=True)
                print("Filtering out %s, which is not available for the %s task." % (m, args.task))
            print("Filtering out %s, which is not available for the %s task." % (m, args.task))

    # Get files and run the metrics
    references_f, hypothesis_f = get_couple_files(os.path.abspath(args.reference), os.path.abspath(args.hypothesis), args.prefix)

    # print("Pairs that have been found : ")
    # for ref, hyp in zip(references_f, hypothesis_f):
    #     print("%s / %s "% (os.path.basename(ref), os.path.basename(hyp)))

    metrics = run_metrics(references_f, hypothesis_f, metrics, args.visualization, class_to_keep)

    output_dir = os.path.join(args.reference,
                              (os.path.basename(args.reference) + '_' + os.path.basename(args.hypothesis))
                              .replace('mapped_', ''))
    if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):

    # Display a report for each metrics
    for name, m in metrics.items():
        #print("\n%s report" % name)
        rep =
        colnames = list(rep.columns.get_level_values(0))
        percent_or_count = rep.columns.get_level_values(1)
        for i in range(0,len(percent_or_count)):
            if percent_or_count[i] == '%':
                colnames[i] = colnames[i] +' %'
        rep.columns = colnames
        if args.prefix != "":
            dest_output = os.path.join(output_dir, name+'_'+args.prefix+"_report.csv")
            dest_output = os.path.join(output_dir, name + "_report.csv")

        if class_to_keep is not None:
            dest_output = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dest_output),
                                       ("only_%s_" % class_to_keep) +
        rep.to_csv(dest_output, float_format="%.2f")
    print("Done computing metrics between %s and %s." % (args.reference, args.hypothesis))

if __name__ == '__main__':
alecristia commented 3 years ago

[pyannote.metrics][] is a python package that computes several metrics that we'd like to use. The package is very flexible, but we only want to use the identification type of task (supervised speaker identification); and the specific metrics we want to extract are:

Consider using reticulate to call a python package from within R.