LAAC-LSCP / solomon-analysis

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reproducibility attempts (on mac mini) #4

Closed alecristia closed 3 years ago

alecristia commented 3 years ago

Attempt 1 (documented in

Attempt 2

I figured I must have gone wrong from the start, so I wanted to delete my copies of the data & start over following LG's instructions.

$ datalad install

[ERROR ] target path already exists and not empty, refuse to clone into target path [install(/Users/acristia/Documents/gitrepos/solomon-data)] install(error): /Users/acristia/Documents/gitrepos/solomon-data (dataset) [target path already exists and not empty, refuse to clone into target path]

$ datalad uninstall solomon-data

[ERROR ] No dataset found at '/Users/acristia/Documents/gitrepos'. Specify a dataset to work with by providing its path via the dataset option, or change the current working directory to be in a dataset. [] (NoDatasetFound)

$ datalad uninstall -d /Users/acristia/Documents/gitrepos/solomon-data/

[ERROR ] No installed dataset found at /Users/acristia/Documents/gitrepos/solomon-data. [] (ValueError)

Attempt 3: clean slate (SUCCESS)

$ datalad install

Clone attempt: 0%| | 0.00/1.00 [00:00<?, ? Candidate locations/s]Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey). [ERROR ] Failed to clone from all attempted sources: [''] [install(/Users/acristia/Documents/gitrepos/solomon/solomon-data)]
install(error): /Users/acristia/Documents/gitrepos/solomon/solomon-data (dataset) [Failed to clone from all attempted sources: ['']]

$ datalad install worked, proceeding with subsequent steps

With this new install, I could reproduce the analyses.

lucasgautheron commented 3 years ago

I've written instructions just today, here they are :

When you do datalad install, you are cloning the github repository over ssh, which will only work if you have configured your ssh key on github. You might want to use https instead, as we've discussed last time - since it seems to be the way you're interacting with github usually.

The instructions in the README show how to do it over https. But really it is up to the user to choose between https or ssh (I use ssh)

Regarding the issue with the missing table you encountered, I found it was because of bash expanding rules for ~ Python does expand the paths itself. (explanations here)