Removing websites, adding online interaction as in:
The net
My understanding is that this removes what we used to call "the websites," introducing instead a all-to-all interaction chance.
People will talk online when at home. (the request was 25% of time spent at home, but this is not compatible with the selection of free time activities, that is based on the satisfaction of doing them. For now I keep the original system.)
They will only talk about the three relevant topics (not about activities).
They will talk with someone "like them". I interpret this to finding someone online and talking about their opinion (or should it be, talking one way?)
Interactions will have half the effect they have face to face.
Removing websites, adding online interaction as in:
The net
My understanding is that this removes what we used to call "the websites," introducing instead a all-to-all interaction chance.
People will talk online when at home. (the request was 25% of time spent at home, but this is not compatible with the selection of free time activities, that is based on the satisfaction of doing them. For now I keep the original system.)
They will only talk about the three relevant topics (not about activities).
They will talk with someone "like them". I interpret this to finding someone online and talking about their opinion (or should it be, talking one way?)
Interactions will have half the effect they have face to face.