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design new "Ecology" tab #29

Closed ekrimmel closed 4 years ago

ekrimmel commented 5 years ago

Redesign Mock-up v1


Comments on Mock-up We did not see anywhere on existing tabs for our new fields, and so if we're going to have to make a new tab anyway we'd like to design a tab that can capture the extent of the data Austin has in his Quaternary taxonomic dictionary. This data is used in research and collated over time in conjunction with managing taxonomy, so it makes sense to be able to store it in EMu. The fields we would like are...

  1. Age Range, lookup
  2. Geographic Range, lookup
  3. Type Specimens, free text block
  4. High Lat., numeric
  5. Low Lat., numeric
  6. Min. Depth (m), numeric
  7. Max. Depth (m), numeric
  8. Depth Zone, drop down
  9. Min. Temp (C), numeric
  10. Max. Temp (C), numeric
  11. Substrate, drop down
  12. Abundance, drop down
  13. Body Size (mm), free text line
  14. Flex Field 1, free text line
  15. Flex Field 2, free text line
  16. Flex Field 3, free text line

We do not need to see the Citations and Name Status (Validity) tabs here for reference.

ekrimmel commented 5 years ago

We also need to include a drop down field for Project on this tab!

wlmertz commented 5 years ago


ekrimmel commented 5 years ago

@wlmertz this looks good to go!

wlmertz commented 5 years ago

Here are the field types I'm presuming. Please verify. All are TEXT fields, 100 characters, except those noted below. Type Specimens: Text, 1000 characters Min. Temp (C) and Max. Temp (C): Integer (no decimals) Body Size (mm): Integer (no decimals) Min. Depth (m) and Max. Depth (m): Integer (no decimals) Should any of those require decimals? If so, how many?

wlmertz commented 5 years ago

High Lat. and Low Lat. will also be numeric, but allow for decimal places. Should they cut off at 2 decimal places or allow for more as needed? Also, maybe the labels should be High Lat. (dec.) and Low Lat. (dec.) to avoid confusion with DMS Lat/Long?

wlmertz commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I didn't notice that you wanted Body Size (mm) to be TEXT. Is 100 characters sufficient?

ekrimmel commented 5 years ago

Just talked to Austin about this and...


wlmertz commented 5 years ago


wlmertz commented 5 years ago

All fields are TEXT, 100 characters except where noted below. High Lat (dec.) and Low Lat. (dec.) are numeric, 2 decimal places Min Temp (C) and Max Temp (C) are numeric, 2 decimal places Min Depth (m) and Max Depth (m) are integers (no decimal places) Type Specimens is Text, 1000 characters. Length, Width, and Height are numeric, 2 decimal places ( I assume all of these are general taxonomic characteristics, not attributed to individual specimens, otherwise Taxonomy is not the proper place for this data).

ekrimmel commented 5 years ago

Yes, these are general taxonomic characteristics–they make up a lot of the raw data that Austin uses for various research projects.

All that's here looks good, although we still need a new 1000-character field for Ecology Comments.

wlmertz commented 5 years ago

Do you want Ecology Comments and Type Specimens next to each other or one above the other? Any design/size preferences?

ekrimmel commented 5 years ago

Type Specimens above, one line height, and Ecology Comments below, two line heights (or whatever heights make sense is fine, but those are our preferences). Thanks!

wlmertz commented 5 years ago


ekrimmel commented 5 years ago

Awesome, looks good to go!

ekrimmel commented 5 years ago

This tab is not yet in our test EMu as of 2019-05-16.

wlmertz commented 5 years ago

Ecology tab has been added. Please refresh/restart EMu.