LADSoft / OrangeC

OrangeC Compiler And Tool Chain
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FR: please add the tools' purpose to their help output #1001

Open GitMensch opened 7 months ago

GitMensch commented 7 months ago

It would be nice to have a short summary for the tool description that we have in as part of --help.

d:\dev\orangec\bin>obrc --help
obrc (OrangeC) Version 6.73.1
Copyright (C) LADSoft 2006-2023

Usage: obrc [options] outputfile filelist

/V, --version  Show version and date
/!, --nologo   No logo
/?, --help     This text
@xxx           Read commands from file

Time: 23:11:36  Date: Oct 22 2023
d:\dev\orangec\bin>occpr --help
Copyright (C) LADSoft 2006-2023

Usage: occpr [options] [@response file] files

/1        - C1x mode                  /2        - c2x mode
/8        - c89 mode                  /9        - C99 mode

d:\dev\orangec\bin>Coff2ieee --help
off2ieee (OrangeC) Version 6.73.1
Copyright (C) LADSoft 2006-2023

Usage: Coff2ieee [options] <coff file>

/oxxx          Set output file name
/V, --version  Show version and date
/!, --nologo   No logo
/?, --help     This text

Time: 23:11:49  Date: Oct 22 2023

Note this also applies to common tools like olink!

Compare that with

$ objdump --help | head
Usage: objdump <option(s)> <file(s)>
 Display information from object <file(s)>.

A single sentence for each tool in its help is definitely useful... and as noted we already have the "right" sentence in the docs. Just add it above or below the "usage" part of the help.

Originally posted by @GitMensch in