Get atmospheric data from ERA5 (reanalysis data) from ECMWF. The reanalysis data (coarser resolution) is what we ultimately want to be able to upscale to look like the high resolution NEXRAD data. Goal is to train on ERA5 dataset features, and then ultimately be able to apply that algorithm to the ESGF climate dataset (test dataset)
ESGF data lacks the observational context that the reanalysis data has
ERA5 is at similar resolution to ESGF climate data, but has additional variables, diff weather events etc – this is closer to the science for a specific event (such as Houston June 2 event)
RADAR doesnt measure rainfall directly, measures the reflectivity, which is info about scattering (and size and number, eg Z/R relationships) of raindrops
ERA5 field has precipitation, which the closest analog to RADAR data’s reflectivity field
Could possibly train a model on this reflectivity data, or could train on the pure images/visualizations
Get atmospheric data from ERA5 (reanalysis data) from ECMWF. The reanalysis data (coarser resolution) is what we ultimately want to be able to upscale to look like the high resolution NEXRAD data. Goal is to train on ERA5 dataset features, and then ultimately be able to apply that algorithm to the ESGF climate dataset (test dataset)