LAGonauta / MetaAudio

GoldSrc engine plugin for 3D sound
GNU General Public License v2.0
98 stars 14 forks source link

Resolution Issue #47

Closed SystemShocker287 closed 1 year ago

SystemShocker287 commented 1 year ago

Good Evening. Im trying to use MetaAudio with Half-Life,but everytime I try to run it,this happens image

BlackShadow commented 1 year ago

Change Desktop Scaling (DPI) to %100

SystemShocker287 commented 1 year ago


BlackShadow commented 1 year ago


I assume you have Win10:

Right click to desktop, choose Display Settings, You'll see Scale and Layout there, under that there's an option says "Change the size of text, apps, and other items" change it to %100

LAGonauta commented 1 year ago

@SystemShocker287 Hopefully you were able to fix the resolution issue, if you have further problems about this you can open a discussion on