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Write instructions and examples for testing the website UI #86

Closed yk closed 1 year ago

yk commented 1 year ago

there are several frameworks that simulate browser-interactions and are able to quickly test whether the UI is behaving as expected.

martinnormark commented 1 year ago

Adding my two cents on a few end2end testing frameworks.

Options you could consider:


web: docs:




web: docs:




web: docs:







In my opinion the real contenders are Cypress and Playwright.

I would probably decide on Playwright as it supports more browsers, are based on a standard (WebDriver protocol) for controlling browsers, it supports writing tests in more languages.


yk commented 1 year ago

thank you for the detailed explanations, very cool!

your suggestion of Playwright makes total sense 👍

fozziethebeat commented 1 year ago

Question, is there any framework that renders the ui component to generate a screen shot image? Within Google we had some UI framework that would let us write some fake data, render the UI element, and then check in the screen shot during review.

This made it both easy to automatically test when things changed and made it easy to review UI changes. Reviewers didn't have to pull the change and run it locally, the change was captured in an image.

If some library or framework lets us do that, that's the winning framework.

martinnormark commented 1 year ago

is there any framework that renders the ui component to generate a screen shot image?

Yes, to my knowledge all these end2end frameworks supports both screenshot- and video capture. Some tools can also make a diff on screenshots to identify unwanted UI changes. For example Playwright's visual comparison:

However, for component isolation and fake data you need to combine with a unit testing framework. End2end works on the "live" website, so to achieve what you describe you'd have to create a "test host" page and serve components one at a time somehow. It could be done with some query params, dynamically load test files for a specific component etc.

So instead you should look at unit testing with something like Jest (which has a large community) as the runner and find a snapshot tool that does the job at a component level.

I don't have hands-on experience with Enzyme but they have a JSON based snapshot tool where the DOM tree is serialised and used for comparison. This approach seem to be used in multiple testing frameworks.

Same technique is outlined here:

Best source for screenshot testing at component level I've found is react-screenshot-test but it hasn't been updated for over a year.

There's a blog post here that describes how to use it:

Another one is Viteshot, which aligns well with what you're describing. You create a bunch of .screenshot.tsx/ files, runs the command and it traverses through them all and produce the screenshots. Again, seems to be maintained a little less than what you'd hope for.

So long story short. All end2end tools supports it, for component level there's for sure a way to achieve the same.

martinnormark commented 1 year ago

Just stumbled onto Nightwatch JS from my Github starred repos. I do not have hands-on experience with it, but it checks the same boxes as Playwright but calls out in their readme support for component isolation.

Would be worth checking the two of them out with example tests to see how they fare.

UPDATE Playwright has experimental support for component testing.

fozziethebeat commented 1 year ago

@martinnormark would you be interested in making an initial PR setting up either Nightwatch or Playright? They seem worth trying out and seeing if there's some hidden incompatibility.

martinnormark commented 1 year ago

@fozziethebeat Yes, wanted to take a stab at it but had some troubles with docker compose on Mac with M1 chip since PR #119. Do you want me to comment there, or create a new issue?

fozziethebeat commented 1 year ago

I filed If you have a chance, can you copy paste the error you're seeing into the bug?

fozziethebeat commented 1 year ago

For now I'll assign this bug to you. No rush in addressing this issue now if the docker bug is blocking you.

martinnormark commented 1 year ago

👍 I found a workaround, described in

I have Playwright end2end for email log in running in my fork here:

martinnormark commented 1 year ago

Turning out to be a bit of a rabbit hole... Current state, I have Playwright and Cypress implemented with a basic e2e test and a basic component test, which uses visual diff for regressions. Nice to get a refresh on some of the details.

See code needed for the two here:

General experience with both is good, however Cypress does have a much better "control panel" for viewing and running tests. Playwright relies on command line or test explorer in the IDE.

Debugging experience with Cypress is also superior, as well as writing tests with live-reload. It is really fast and you can inspect elements and get a recommended Cypress selector.

Cypress Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 16 37 31

Playwright Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 15 23 27

Cypress also wins on community clout.

Since Cypress runs tests inside the browser, as opposed to controlling the browser from the outside, it must have the browsers you want to test with installed on local dev box, Docker, CI etc. This is where Playwright is easier, you just configure the browsers and it installs them as packages for you.

Visual regression tests via screenshots is supported by both, on Cypress however it is a plugin from the community which at the moment is maintained, but similar plugins for Cypress has not been updated for a year or more.

They both have their pros and cons in writing the actual tests. Cypress does things like awaiting navigation automatically where in Playwright you need to be more explicit:


  it("passes", () => {
    cy.url().should("contain", "/auth/verify");


test("Log in page redirects after input", async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto("/auth/signin");

  const emailInput = page.getByPlaceholder("Email Address");
  await emailInput.fill("");

  await page.waitForNavigation();


Based on browser support being equal, and assuming writing tests in JavaScript/TypeScript is not a problem, I would pick Cypress primarily for ease-of-use (slightly easier) and community.

Still want to take a look at Nightwatch, though. The onboarding experience of Nightwatch is way too cumbersome compared to both Cypress and Playwright.

I'm firming up some docs for Cypress, and submitting a PR.

yk commented 1 year ago

wow thank you that is amazing investigation!