LAMPSPUC / StateSpaceModels.jl

StateSpaceModels.jl is a Julia package for time-series analysis using state-space models.
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Possible SARIMA convergency issue #271

Closed iagochavarry closed 3 years ago

iagochavarry commented 3 years ago

I was comparing the results in the SARIMA model estimation with StateSpaceModels and with the package forecast in R using a controlled time series ARIMA (1,0,0) -> AR_L1 = 0.97. The R package estimated correctly (0.974), and the StateSpaceModels estimated the AR-L1 coef as 0.999. May this be a convergency error?

import Pkg
using RCall
using CSV, DataFrames
using Plots

n = 1000
e = 0.3*randn(n)
dy = zeros(n)
dy[1:2] = [33, 33]
for i = 3:n
    dy[i] = 1 + 0.97*dy[i-1] + e[i]

model = StateSpaceModels.SARIMA(dy, order = (1,0,0), include_mean = true)!(model)

@rput dy

print(arima(dy, order = c(1,0,0)), include.mean = TRUE)
guilhermebodin commented 3 years ago

It can totally be, I ran many times and most of the time it worked.

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.6.0
Commit f9720dc2eb (2021-03-24 12:55 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U CPU @ 2.30GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-11.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

julia> n = 1000;

julia> e = 0.3*randn(n);

julia> dy = zeros(n);

julia> dy[1:2] = [33, 33];

julia> for i = 3:n
           dy[i] = 1 + 0.97*dy[i-1] + e[i]

julia> model = StateSpaceModels.SARIMA(dy, order = (1,0,0), include_mean = true);


julia> StateSpaceModels.results(model)
Model:                        SARIMA(1, 0, 0)x(0, 0, 0, 0) with non-zero mean
Number of observations:       1000
Number of unknown parameters: 3
Log-likelihood:               -217.1154
AIC:                          440.2308
AICc:                         440.2549
BIC:                          454.9540
Parameter      Estimate      Std.Error      z stat      p-value
ar_L1            0.9599       157.9692      0.0061       0.9952
mean            33.5612        53.5327      0.6269       0.5384
sigma2_η         0.0901         0.0451      1.9983       0.0000

julia> using RCall

julia> @rput dy;

julia> R"""

       print(arima(dy, order = c(1,0,0)), include.mean = TRUE)

arima(x = dy, order = c(1, 0, 0))

         ar1  intercept
      0.9598    33.5781
s.e.  0.0087     0.2308

sigma^2 estimated as 0.09016:  log likelihood = -217.12,  aic = 440.24

arima(x = dy, order = c(1, 0, 0))

         ar1  intercept
      0.9598    33.5781
s.e.  0.0087     0.2308

sigma^2 estimated as 0.09016:  log likelihood = -217.12,  aic = 440.24

The std error is totally wrong and related to #193

In one specific run my results were

julia> n = 1000;

julia> e = 0.3*randn(n);

julia> dy = zeros(n);

julia> dy[1:2] = [33, 33];

julia> for i = 3:n
           dy[i] = 1 + 0.97*dy[i-1] + e[i]

julia> model = StateSpaceModels.SARIMA(dy, order = (1,0,0), include_mean = true);


julia> StateSpaceModels.results(model)
Model:                        SARIMA(1, 0, 0)x(0, 0, 0, 0) with non-zero mean
Number of observations:       1000
Number of unknown parameters: 3
Log-likelihood:               -210.1984
AIC:                          426.3968
AICc:                         426.4209
BIC:                          441.1201
Parameter      Estimate      Std.Error      z stat      p-value
ar_L1            1.0000     -1.620E+07     -0.0000           - 
mean            33.9465      1.517E+06      0.0000       1.0000
sigma2_η         0.0883         0.0441      2.0034       0.0000

julia> using RCall

julia> @rput dy;

julia> R"""

       print(arima(dy, order = c(1,0,0)), include.mean = TRUE)

arima(x = dy, order = c(1, 0, 0))

         ar1  intercept
      0.9653    33.9070
s.e.  0.0081     0.2617

sigma^2 estimated as 0.08682:  log likelihood = -198.31,  aic = 402.61

arima(x = dy, order = c(1, 0, 0))

         ar1  intercept
      0.9653    33.9070
s.e.  0.0081     0.2617

sigma^2 estimated as 0.08682:  log likelihood = -198.31,  aic = 402.61

and changing the initial value from the default to 0.9 solved the issue

julia> model = StateSpaceModels.SARIMA(dy, order = (1,0,0), include_mean = true);

julia> StateSpaceModels.set_initial_hyperparameters!(model, Dict("ar_L1"=> 0.9))
SARIMA(1, 0, 0)x(0, 0, 0, 0) with non-zero mean model


julia> StateSpaceModels.results(model)
Model:                        SARIMA(1, 0, 0)x(0, 0, 0, 0) with non-zero mean
Number of observations:       1000
Number of unknown parameters: 3
Log-likelihood:               -198.3054
AIC:                          402.6108
AICc:                         402.6349
BIC:                          417.3340
Parameter      Estimate      Std.Error      z stat      p-value
ar_L1            0.9654       207.6223      0.0046       0.9963
mean            33.9066        68.7551      0.4932       0.6270
sigma2_η         0.0869         0.0434      2.0016       0.0000

as well as changing the optimizer, maybe the default one (LBFGS) is not the best

julia> using Optim

julia> model = StateSpaceModels.SARIMA(dy, order = (1,0,0), include_mean = true);

julia>!(model; optimizer=StateSpaceModels.Optimizer(Optim.BFGS()));

julia> StateSpaceModels.results(model)
Model:                        SARIMA(1, 0, 0)x(0, 0, 0, 0) with non-zero mean
Number of observations:       1000
Number of unknown parameters: 3
Log-likelihood:               -198.3054
AIC:                          402.6108
AICc:                         402.6349
BIC:                          417.3340
Parameter      Estimate      Std.Error      z stat      p-value
ar_L1            0.9654       207.6219      0.0046       0.9963
mean            33.9066        68.7550      0.4932       0.6270
sigma2_η         0.0869         0.0434      2.0016       0.0000
iagochavarry commented 3 years ago

Further analyzing the SARIMA model estimation, we arrived at some useful insights:

  1. When the R complains of non-stationarity in the Conditional Sum of Squares (CSS) estimation, the StateSpaceModels also complain. But the reverse isn't true (mostly in high orders).

  2. The StateSpaceModels can present some errors in the optimization procedure, that doesn't depend on the CSS result. We notice this in:

    • relax_unit_root_constraint: sqrt function receiving a negative value due to diag(y) greater than 1
    • log function receiving a negative value
    1. When CSS and the optimization occur well, the R and the StateSpaceModels estimate the values within the statistical range (given by the R).

Obs: The R package doesn't let the estimation continue when de CSS estimation complains about non-stationarity

iagochavarry commented 3 years ago

Some benchmark information

Using the StateSpaceModels in Julia

julia> versioninfo()
T_PARAMETERS.samples = 100;
@benchmark StateSpaceMJulia Version 1.0.5
Commit 3af96bcefc (2019-09-09 19:06 UTC)

  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin18.6.0)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5257U CPU @ 2.70GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.0 (ORCJIT, broadwell)

julia> dy ="dy.csv", DataFrame)[:,1];

julia> model = StateSpaceModels.SARIMA(dy, order = (2,0,2),include_mean = true)
SARIMA(2, 0, 2)x(0, 0, 0, 0) with non-zero mean model

julia> BenchmarkTools.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS.samples = 100;

julia> @benchmark!(model)
  memory estimate:  3.47 MiB
  allocs estimate:  44412
  minimum time:     49.565 ms (0.00% GC)
  median time:      52.282 ms (0.00% GC)
  mean time:        52.945 ms (1.43% GC)
  maximum time:     62.411 ms (8.40% GC)
  samples:          95
  evals/sample:     1

Using the forecast package in R

> library(rbenchmark)
> library(forecast)
> dy = read.csv(file = 'dy.csv')
> benchmark(Arima(dy, order = c(2,0,2), include.mean = TRUE),  replications = 100)
                                                test replications elapsed
1 Arima(dy, order = c(2, 0, 2), include.mean = TRUE)          100   4.378
  relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1        1     4.156    0.075          0         0

And finally, with the statsmodels in Python

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import statsmodels.api as sm
>>> import time 
>>> from time import time
>>> import timeit
>>> dy = pd.read_csv("dy.csv");
>>> mod = sm.tsa.statespace.SARIMAX(dy, trend='c', order=(2, 0, 2));

def arimafit():

>>> def arimafit():
>>> timeit.timeit(stmt='arimafit()', setup='from __main__ import arimafit', number=100)

In summary, the average time is: StateSpaceModels: 52.945 ms forecast: 41.46 ms statsmodels: 343.37 ms