All directories EXCEPT the \src directory have been restructured to eliminate duplicate files, remove out-dated SVN-style organization, and create a simplified scheme for extension testing and subsequent (Wizard) installer construction. Testing is considered to be pre-build (testing of source code snippets) and post-build (testing of the extension itself). Two standardized scenarios, examples of common prescription input file errors, and examples of well-constructed BaseHarvest input files are now easily accessed.
All directories EXCEPT the \src directory have been restructured to eliminate duplicate files, remove out-dated SVN-style organization, and create a simplified scheme for extension testing and subsequent (Wizard) installer construction. Testing is considered to be pre-build (testing of source code snippets) and post-build (testing of the extension itself). Two standardized scenarios, examples of common prescription input file errors, and examples of well-constructed BaseHarvest input files are now easily accessed.