LANL-Seismoacoustics / infrapy

An infrasound array processing toolkit
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On the crash of Infraview #11

Closed chdyxh closed 12 months ago

chdyxh commented 3 years ago

In Infraview, if I load waveform and then clear waveform by cliking "close tab" in Trace Info, the infraview will crash and throw the following information: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/infrapy/InfraView/widgets/", line 324, in remove_trace self.update_streams(self._sts) File "/usr/local/infrapy/InfraView/widgets/", line 184, in update_streams self.statsViewer.setStats(new_stream) File "/usr/local/infrapy/InfraView/widgets/", line 21, in setStats for idx, trace in enumerate(streamList): TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

gilbert512 commented 3 years ago

I solved the problem by modifying the infrapy.yml file as shown below.


==> git+

jkmacc-LANL commented 3 years ago

SQLAlchemy should be fixed hopefully soon in the main Pisces branch and you won't have to do this.

jwebster-LANL commented 12 months ago

Marking closed. I think this is sorted