LANL-Seismoacoustics / infrapy

An infrasound array processing toolkit
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while viewing multiple stations, unable to filter each station differently #19

Open jl-miller opened 1 year ago

jl-miller commented 1 year ago

i was using this tool to look at multiple stations, at the same time, for one event. it would be nice to be able to filter each station differently in order to see the arrivals

jl-miller commented 1 year ago

also on my 13in mabook pro the gui is pinned to the top of the screen and the bottom of the gui is below the bottom of my screen. con not resize it to access bottom of gui

jwebster-LANL commented 1 year ago

I can address both of these issues. Give me a bit.

jwebster-LANL commented 1 year ago

question. The beamformer can only process one frequency band. And it chooses that band based on what the filter setting is at the time you run it. If every waveform has a different filter setting, how would I know which to use for the beamforming? Maybe create widgets for each filter and have a checkbox beside the one you prefer?