LArbys / LArCV

Liquid Argon Computer Vision
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minor: app objects rebuild when typing make, even if nothing changes #69

Closed twongjirad closed 7 years ago

twongjirad commented 7 years ago

I typed make. everything built and was fine.

I type make again, and the following rebuilds:

Minor issue as everything still works. Just uses up more time than is necessary?

drinkingkazu commented 7 years ago

Is this possibly on an old larcv installation? There was this issue in an older version of larcv, and this can be fixed by doing this:

cd $LARCV_BASEDIR rm core/*/*.depend rm app/*/*.depend make -j

But for a new installation I do not expect this to happen. Here, by "old vs. new", I meant before vs. after apicaffe_cleanup branch merge into develop. Would you give a shot?

twongjirad commented 7 years ago

turns out that I did have .depend files in the apps that were rebuilding. Once removed, this issue no longer remains. Thanks!