LArbys / LArCV

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Feature/tmw divider algo #71

Closed twongjirad closed 7 years ago

twongjirad commented 7 years ago

DividerAlgo.cxx provides u,v, and y wires inside bounding box. Comes with testing script ( Seems to be close to right. Not sure if tiny offsets due to drawing or algorithm.

screen shot 2016-08-21 at 11 49 25 am

twongjirad commented 7 years ago

Note. This is to replace core of current HiResDivider algorithm, which relied on a data file of pre-calculated boxes for the image division. Now the division can be done at run time. Also, there seemed to be a bug in HiResDivider. By using this code, will hope to fix that bug.

Also, this type of code might be useful for 3-plane ROI pooling.