LArbys / LArCV

Liquid Argon Computer Vision
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Running vertex container gives me this error #93

Closed twongjirad closed 6 years ago

twongjirad commented 6 years ago

Running: prod_fullchain_ssnet_combined_newtag.cfg

@vgenty and @ruian1 : this a new fcl parameter?

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/share/dllee_unified/LArCV/app/LArOpenCVHandle/cfg/mac/", line 12, in proc.configure(sys.argv[1]) TypeError: none of the 2 overloaded methods succeeded. Full details: void larcv::ProcessDriver::configure(const string config_file) => Key does not exist: "SimpleKink" (C++ exception) void larcv::ProcessDriver::configure(const larcv::PSet& cfg) => could not convert argument 1

ruian1 commented 6 years ago

This is a new module added by Jarrett, just need to add in the configure file with "SimpleKink : {}" Below is the block.

trackvertexseeds: { ImageSetID: 1 Verbosity : 2 SimpleKink : {} ClusterHIPMIP: { MinHIPClusterSize: 6 MinHIPClusterPixels: 6 MinMIPClusterSize: 10 MinMIPClusterPixels: 20 MIPLevels: [10,10,10] HIPLevels: [70,60,40] }

twongjirad commented 6 years ago

Thanks. This fixed it.