LAutour / ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA-icn2053

Unsupported. New version ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA-icn2053
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Should it work with 128x64? only every 2nd line used #5

Closed Westworld closed 1 year ago

Westworld commented 1 year ago

Library looks great - and faster than any other I tried. I have a 128x64 based panel and while the example drives it, only half of the lines are in use. More exact, first empty, next used (and so on for 15 lines). Then 3 empty ones. Used, unused (repeated for 15 lines). Last two empty. So exactly 30 of the 64 lines are used.

I used the wiring from ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-config_v2.h In that file, I modified width/height to 128/64, similar to the values in the example itself.

In the read me (translated via DeepL) you write about "four 64x32-Panels", so I'm not sure if it supposed to work with 128x64 panels (using icn2053) at all?

LAutour commented 1 year ago

Panel interface 128x64 - HUB75? 1/32scan?

The panel description says 64x32 just for the refresh rate example. I have 80x40 (1/20scan)panels - i check the library for them.

LAutour commented 1 year ago

Can I have a photo of the panel? what displays, and a photo of the connector on the back.

Westworld commented 1 year ago

Sure. Thanks a lot for your fast response and interest. I have the same board as described here in detail: The page has pictures, an interpretation how it works and logic analyzer logs. It refers to code from a Russian (?) group which works - but only handles 7 FPS Using that code all pixels works - just too slow (I need 25-30 FPS). So I know my panels are working, and found your repository looking for libraries supporting icn2053 The HUB75 has A-C connected, D and E not. The panel has two HUB75 connectors, but both are input (and connected to each other). They do not allow daisy-chaining.

LAutour commented 1 year ago

I understand what needs to be done, but first we need to check what code the standard HUB-75 controller is transmitting (next week)

Westworld commented 1 year ago

I fear I misunderstood the issue totally, just using the enclosed example, which uses fillscreen. I wondered if the missing lines are moved or excluded, so I modified the example to draw just one pixel - and now realized that the single pixel is vertically replicated. So drawing one pixel, getting a full vertical line (with the described missing ones).


Used code: (inserted in example, after black, before rainbow) dma_display->setColor(0, 255, 0); Serial.println("start pattern"); int curcounter = 0, counter = 0, y = 0; while (counter < (PANE_WIDTH)) { for (int x = 0; x < PANE_WIDTH; x++ ) { if (curcounter++ == counter) dma_display->drawPixelRGB888(x, y, 0, 255, 0); else dma_display->drawPixelRGB888(x, y, 0, 0, 0); } dma_display->flipDMABuffer(); counter++; curcounter=0; }


I fear that while it is the same chip, it is a very different panel, so not useable at all with this library? Would be too bad...

LAutour commented 1 year ago

I know what is needed, but I will have access to the necessary debugging equipment tomorrow.

LAutour commented 1 year ago

Not ready yet but will be added in the new repository

Westworld commented 1 year ago

super, will try when released and report

Westworld commented 1 year ago

Hi, I noticed you mad changes in and updated - but got still the same (wrong) effects. Some lines displayed, usually every 2nd with the same color. Was that supposed to work?

To remind, I got exactly the same boards as here described in detail:

Is there anything I can do to help? thanks

LAutour commented 1 year ago

Hi, I noticed you mad changes in and updated - but got still the same (wrong) effects. Some lines displayed, usually every 2nd with the same color. Was that supposed to work?

To remind, I got exactly the same boards as here described in detail:

Is there anything I can do to help? thanks

it so happened that the discussion of last library is conducted in the old library: next_wwek (almost everything works there, you need to adjust the timings)

I'll fix it library next week (before I can not).

LAutour commented 1 year ago

it is necessary to close discussions in the old library. I'm confused discussing the latest library :( write in the current version: ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-DMA-ICN2053