At present, the parameter handling is not efficient. The major difficulties are:
Reading of the present config files is not efficient.
For each image a full config file is maintained, even if the parameters are default.
It gets hard to maintain common parameters for images.
No version control of the parameter config files. A user can never refer to which version is being used!
A new policy should be created to handle the parameters! Instead of current clumsy parameters config files, xml files should be created. The entries should be linked to DOM model whenever possible. When the program is terminated or user requests to save, the data should be transferred from DOM Models to the xml files. QT5 provides a lot of tools to do that.
It would need many things to be changed! Would require to change many internal things from parameter reading to scripts etc. Can't guess the amount of time required!
PROLBLEM: At present, the parameter handling is not efficient. The major difficulties are:
SOLUTION: A new policy should be created to handle the parameters! Instead of current clumsy parameters config files, xml files should be created. The entries should be linked to DOM model whenever possible. When the program is terminated or user requests to save, the data should be transferred from DOM Models to the xml files. QT5 provides a lot of tools to do that.
WORK LOAD: It would need many things to be changed! Would require to change many internal things from parameter reading to scripts etc. Can't guess the amount of time required!
This should come in the next version!