LBEM-CH / focus

High Throughput Electron Microscopy Image Processing Software
GNU General Public License v2.0
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focus can't set gpu for tomoalign using a system with a single gpu #222

Open n1kt0 opened 6 years ago

n1kt0 commented 6 years ago

Using the below listed options the tomoalign script in tomography mode can't set the variable 'GPU_to_use_local' the error message is 'Undefined variable.'.

How many GPUs to use = "1" Which GPU to use = "0" Cycle over GPUs = "No" Run only one MotionCor2 instance at a time on the system = "Yes"

The only thing which helped is setting 'How many GPUs to use' to '2' and replacing the script with an older one where the only change is:

diff tomo_driftcor_motioncor2.script /opt/focus/scripts/image/tomoalign/tomo_driftcor_motioncor2.script 125a126,129

set GPU_cycle = "y" ########################################################################## ${proc_2dx}/linblock "WARNING: MotionCor2 will always cycle over the GPUs in Tomography mode!" ##########################################################################

Any suggestions for improvement are welcome!

PaulVanSchayck commented 5 years ago

The same happens in this situation with the gautomatch script.