Open rubenalv opened 1 year ago
@rubenalv Yes, I also encounter the same issue when run interface_ppi_benchmark.ipynb
. How do you solve the missing h5 file?
@mikewzp, I realised that I could run the model without running the benchmarks. The h5 file you can create, but you need to download and curate the pdb data, and the authors did not provide the lists of pdbs they use either... so in the end my benchmark was to run the model and compare the results to what I see on the pesto web interface. From the whole github, to run the model you just need the directories model/ and src/ I took one the scripts in the github and edited to run with arguments. I hope you can figure out what you need in model/ and /src for it to run, otherwise I can help a bit more.
import argparse
import os
import sys
import h5py
import numpy as np
import torch as pt
from textwrap import dedent
from tqdm import tqdm
from glob import glob
from src.dataset import StructuresDataset, collate_batch_features, select_by_sid, select_by_interface_types
from src.data_encoding import encode_structure, encode_features, extract_topology, categ_to_resnames, resname_to_categ
from src.structure import data_to_structure, encode_bfactor, concatenate_chains, split_by_chain
from src.structure_io import save_pdb, read_pdb, save_text
from src.scoring import bc_scoring, bc_score_names
from model.config import config_model, config_data
from model.data_handler import Dataset
from model.model import Model
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description= '''Script usage: ''',
epilog = """test output files for 2CUA_A.pdb are found in examples/examples_in.
Files ending in -i0.pdb or -iout0.pdb contain the PPI-ness probability [0,1] in the last but one column"""
parser.add_argument('--ipath', default=None, help=' input pdb file list path')
parser.add_argument('--opath', default=None, help=' output pdb file list path')
parser.add_argument('--iosame', default=False, action='store_true', help=' create output pdb in the same path as input pdb (overrides --opath)')
parser.add_argument('--device', default='cpu', type=str, help=' device cpu or gpu (defaults to cpu)')
parser.add_argument('--allpreds', default=False, action='store_true', help=' return all predictions (PPI, lipid, etc), as opposed to the default of returning PPI only (_iout0.pdb) (defaults to False)')
parser.add_argument('--PPIasTEXT', default=False, action='store_true', help=dedent('''\
output the aminoacid sequence and PPI prediction of all input as a single .txt file called PPIpred.txt.
Configured only for --allpreds False.
Column names:
- file: basename of the corresponding pdb file
- chain: pdb chain ID
- AA: single-letter aminoacid code
- pos: index of the aminoacid in the protein
- PPI: probability [0,1] of being engaged in a PPI'''))
args = parser.parse_args()
# check arguments
def exit_program():
print("No valid pdb files found, exiting...")
def exit_if_badpath(i, p):
if not os.path.isdir(i):
if args.ipath is None:
print('--ipath is required')
exit_if_badpath(args.ipath, 'path to --ipath does not exist, exiting...')
if args.opath is None:
if not args.iosame:
print('--opath is required unless --iosame is used')
args.opath = args.ipath
exit_if_badpath(args.opath, 'path to --opath does not exist, exiting...')
if args.iosame:
print('--iosame will override --opath and output files written to --ipath')
args.opath = args.ipath
# script body
ppitextpath = None
if args.PPIasTEXT:
if args.iosame:
ppitextpath = args.ipath
ppitextpath = args.opath
def predict_and_save(i, z, structure, output_basepath, ppitextpath):
# prediction
p = pt.sigmoid(z[:,i])
# encode result
structure = encode_bfactor(structure, p.cpu().numpy())
# save results
output_filepath = output_basepath+'_iout{}.pdb'.format(i)
save_pdb(split_by_chain(structure), output_filepath)
# output text file
if ppitextpath is not None:
out_txt = save_text(split_by_chain(structure), output_filepath)
# data parameters
input_path = args.ipath
# find pdb files and ignore already predicted pdbs (containing "iout" in the filename)
pdb_filepaths = glob(os.path.join(input_path, "*.pdb"), recursive=True)
pdb_filepaths = [fp for fp in pdb_filepaths if "_iout" not in fp]
# exit if no valid pdbs are found
if len(pdb_filepaths) == 0:
# write output PPI as text file
if not args.allpreds and args.PPIasTEXT:
ppitext = True
ppitext = False
# model parameters
model_path = "model/"
# define device
device = pt.device(args.device)
# create model
model = Model(config_model)
# reload model
model.load_state_dict(pt.load(model_path, map_location=device))
# set model to inference
model = model.eval().to(device)
# create dataset loader with preprocessing
dataset = StructuresDataset(pdb_filepaths, with_preprocessing=True)
# debug print
# run model on all subunits
with pt.no_grad():
outext = []
for subunits, filepath in tqdm(dataset):
# concatenate all chains together
structure = concatenate_chains(subunits)
# encode structure and features
X, M = encode_structure(structure)
#q =, dim=1)
q = encode_features(structure)[0]
# extract topology
ids_topk, _, _, _, _ = extract_topology(X, 64)
# pack data and setup sink (IMPORTANT)
X, ids_topk, q, M = collate_batch_features([[X, ids_topk, q, M]])
# run model
z = model(,,, M.float().to(device))
# for all predictions
if args.iosame:
output_basepath = filepath[:-4]
output_basepath = os.path.join(args.opath, os.path.basename(filepath)[:-4])
if not args.allpreds:
out = predict_and_save(0, z, structure, output_basepath, ppitextpath)
for i in range(z.shape[1]):
out = predict_and_save(i, z, structure, output_basepath, ppitextpath)
if out is not None:
if len(outext) > 0:
with open(args.opath+'/PPIpred.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write('file chain AA pos PPI\n')
for line in outext: [f.write(s+'\n') for s in line]
@rubenalv after PPI prediction, how do you call interface, i.e., criteria including PPI probability cutoff, length of a stretch of qualified residues which meet probability cutoff, etc.?
@yzhang-github-pub At the moment I am setting up the tools, but have not done much analysis. They suggest a probability cutoff in the paper, but that would depend on your goals. I thought of using stretches of aminoacids (eg minimum of 3), but then what happens if the PPI is determined by adjacent but not contiguous aminoacids, would it be better to look at proximity of coordinates of residues of high probability? I also noticed that the results depend on what you input: in the example in the Pesto website ( you can choose a single chain or all chains, and the PPI probabilities are very, very different depending on your choice. Proteins can change conformation upon binding to each other, so it makes sense, but the observation makes me be cautious about conclusions about presence/lack of PPI in a prediction.
@rubenalv Thank you for your explanation. The names of python scripts and jupyter notebooks in this git repo suggest they are for interface calling/clustering. But the source code is not easy to read. Comments are scarce, and very brief. Input files for the notebooks are not available (otherwise may help guess the functions of the scripts).
@yzhang-github-pub, I agree. The paper is well written, but the github is not really open to the public and would greatly benefit from annotation. That would help increase the citations to the paper, and save most of us a great deal of of time figuring out how it works. For reference, this is the structure of a working solution:
=========== LICENSE
examples/ examples_in examples_out
model/ model_version.txt pycache
src/ pycache
The script is customized, inspired from the jupyter notebooks, and I uploaded the code in a comment above
Modules are not called according to the repository structure, eg:
from model import Model
should befrom model.model import Model
Also, example data missing:
dataset = Dataset("datasets/contacts_rr5A_64nn_8192.h5")
I could suggest to rerun all .ipynb files in a fresh conda enviroment with a cloned git, to ensure they work?