LBNL-ETA / Adapter

The Adapter software is developed at the Energy Efficiency Standards Department and it provides a convenient data table loader from various formats such as xlsx, csv, db (sqlite database), and sqlalchemy. Its main feature is the ability to convert data tables identified in one main and optionally one or more additional input files into database tables and Pandas DataFrames for downstream usage in any compatible software.
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Add example to readme on how to handle multiple platforms #21

Closed milicag closed 2 years ago

milicag commented 2 years ago

Add an example below the current similar examples:

To automatically convert paths between platforms, for example if you are using a VPN connection to access input data files, use the mapping argument:

from adapter.i_o import IO

input_loader = IO(<fullpath_to_the_main_input_file>, 
                               os_mapping={'win32': 'C:', 'darwin': '/Volumes/A', 'linux': '/media/A'})
data = input_loader.load()