LBNL-ETA / Adapter

The Adapter software is developed at the Energy Efficiency Standards Department and it provides a convenient data table loader from various formats such as xlsx, csv, db (sqlite database), and sqlalchemy. Its main feature is the ability to convert data tables identified in one main and optionally one or more additional input files into database tables and Pandas DataFrames for downstream usage in any compatible software.
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28 folder name #29

Closed 0xd5dc closed 2 years ago

0xd5dc commented 2 years ago

The unittest passed. I tested with both "short" and "long" formats using other tools and got the expected short results.

evaneill commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I think this will be good for preventing many long filepaths. I only left the one comment about improving the IO docstring.

When I use this branch to test NIA, everything seems to still work! Also the case for connector & pipeline tests.

lyralan commented 2 years ago

Thanks Zheng, it works for shipper tests!

milicag commented 2 years ago

@0xd5dc This looks good - please see the minor comment about the dash/underscore, and potentially anything else I might have missed. I will approve now.