Local Power Distribution Manager (LPDM)
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Create utility meter agent #2

Open rebrownlbnl opened 7 years ago

rebrownlbnl commented 7 years ago

From Christian: Create an agent that publishes a price and consumption periodically. Make the grid controller listen to this price, and if the GC receives no price, it should assume that the grid is down, and switch over to the generator. The GC sets the price for the utility meter power at a very high level when it receives no signal, so that the GC automatically won’t use the grid as an energy source. Read the price from a file for right now. In the future it will be a web feed. Provides power consumption at meter (average over last 5 minutes)

Test: create scenario with a utility meter, GC and diesel generator and dummy EUD with load. Then trigger a grid outage, by either stopping the utility meter agent, or ‘telling’ it that there is a grid outage (need to come up with a mechanism), and see if the fuel level declines.

Write Dockerfile that runs this test.

rebrownlbnl commented 7 years ago

From Stephen: Talked briefly with Bruce and think the best way to proceed is to model this similar to existing energy producers. That is, it publishes a price (which will likely be less than a generator's price but more than a PV) and the grid controller reacts accordingly. May need to introduce disconnecting power sources from grid controller, or at least make grid controller recalc price when things disconnect. Also need to implement existing logic from spec for grid controller to calc price from multiple sources.

rebrownlbnl commented 7 years ago

Location for updated CBERD spec document: