LCA-EET / Lichdom

Repository for the Lichdom Mod
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Visual cues for liches / lichdom #17

Closed rubyFeedback closed 2 months ago

rubyFeedback commented 2 months ago

I'll just suggest this here - in the event you have too much free time. :)

I think what would be nice would be some effects for lich characters, player characters that is.

For instance, the hands may glow or show a glow-effect, if the lich melee attack is used in combat.

This does not have to be perfect; just a small-ish reddish glow effect where the hands are, or just close to the hands.

Other visual effects could include when a lich is hit with some weapon with special effects such as daystar. There are other weapons that have similar effects - for instance the club that casts fireballs or so, e. g. detonates on the target for additional damage. This shows an effect. A similar effect could happen for liches, although smaller in radius.

Similar modifications could be done for all liches. So this is mostly cosmetic, and an optional component, that has to be specifically installed by the player (via a y/n answer, defaulting to no). The idea is to just have a few visual effects that enhance the idea of lichification - and general lichness of a character.

Right now, if a character becomes a lich, not a whole lot of changes can be noticed in regular stuff, e. g. combat or interaction with objects or other NPCs.

There are probably more effects that could be included, e. g. rotting limbs that gradually decay or so, but I want to keep this very simple as an idea. So I think the most important part would be some stronger glow-like effect when the hands strike, when the lich melee attack is used. Anyway, as that is not a very important suggestion to make, I'll close the issue too, to not spam the issue tracker here too much.